TemplateServlet Test

This servlet tests your melati/poem/template engine configuration.

If you can read this message, it means that you have successfully configured a Melati, created a POEM session and loaded a Template Engine (currently webmacro ).


The current PoemContext is : logicalDatabase = melatitest, table = user, troid = 1, method = View.

The poem context can be controlled using the servlets PathInfo.

HelloWorld/Redirect/Redirect/Redirect/Redirect/Redirect/Exception/Redirect/Exception/Redirect was passed in the parameter test.

To test Form parameter passing, click here

Exception Testing

Undefined variables

You can test how the PropagateVariableExceptionHandler handles undefined variable template expansion exceptions by clicking ?nonexistant=true (expect Melati Error Template).

Passback and propogate exception

You can test how the PropagateVariableExceptionHandler handles AccessPoemException by clicking ?propagate=true.

You can test how the PassbackVariableExceptionHandler handles AccessPoemException by clicking ?passback=true.

Handling other Exceptions

You can test melati Exception handling by clicking Exception

Further Testing

You can test melati Redirect handling by clicking Redirect

You can test your interface for writing Melati servlets using the Webmacro template engine by clicking WebmacroMelatiServletTest

You can test your administration interface by clicking org.melati.admin.Admin/melatitest/Main.

You can test that you are able to override your AccessHandler mode by clicking override your AccessHandler.

This will use a HttpBasicAuthenticationAccessHandler instead of a HttpSessionAccessHandler (which is configured by default in your org.melati.MelatiServlet.properties file).

Test File upload

Your file will be saved in different ways depending on your setting of FormDataAdapatorFactory (currently org.melati.servlet.TemporaryFileFormDataAdaptorFactory):