
 * $Source$
 * $Revision$
 * Copyright (C) 2000 David Warnock
 * Part of Melati (http://melati.org), a framework for the rapid
 * development of clean, maintainable web applications.
 * Melati is free software; Permission is granted to copy, distribute
 * and/or modify this software under the terms either:
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 * b) any version of the Melati Software License, as published
 *    at http://melati.org
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
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 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * Contact details for copyright holder:
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 *     Sundayta Ltd
 *     International House, 
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 *     Crawley, West Sussex 
 *     RH10 1LE, UK
package org.melati.poem.dbms;

import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType;
import org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType;
import org.melati.poem.Column;
import org.melati.poem.DatePoemType;
import org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType;
import org.melati.poem.PoemType;
import org.melati.poem.SQLPoemType;
import org.melati.poem.SQLType;
import org.melati.poem.StringPoemType;
import org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType;
import org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils;

 * A Driver for the Microsoft SQL server.
public class SQLServer extends AnsiStandard {

   * SQL Server does not have a pleasant <code>TEXT</code> datatype, so we use
   * an arbetary value in a <code>VARCHAR</code>.
  public static final int sqlServerTextHack = 2333;

   * Maximum size of a binary field.
  public static final int sqlServerMaxBinarySize = 2147483647;

   * Constructor.
  public SQLServer() {
    // buggy
    // setDriverClassName("com.merant.datadirect.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver");
    // setDriverClassName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); //does not work
    // setDriverClassName("com.ashna.jturbo.driver.Driver"); //works
    // setDriverClassName("com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver"); //works

    // 2003
    // does not return indices without schema name ?
    // setDriverClassName("com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver");
    // FreeTDS driver has many unimplemented features and => does not work.

    // Works with 2003
    // setDriverClassName("com.inet.tds.TdsDriver");

    // Not working
    // 2005

   * Get the user we are connected as and return that as the schema.
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms#getSchema()
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#getSchema()
  public String getSchema() {
    return null;

  // Commented out as PMD objects to over riding method which only call
  // super.
  // public String getQuotedName(String name) {
  // if you don't want to set 'use ANSI quoted identifiers' database property
  // to 'true' (on SQL Server)

   * if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("nullable")) return "\"" + name+"\"";
   * if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("unique")) return "\"" + name+"\"";
   * if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) return "q" + name;
   * if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("group")) return "q" + name; return name;

  // if you already set 'use ANSI quoted identifiers' property to 'true'
  // return super.getQuotedName(name);
  // }
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#getSqlDefinition(java.lang.String)
  public String getSqlDefinition(String sqlTypeName) {
    if (sqlTypeName.equals("BOOLEAN")) {
      return ("BIT");
    if (sqlTypeName.equals("DATE")) {
      return ("DATETIME");
    if (sqlTypeName.equals("TIMESTAMP")) {
      return ("DATETIME");
    return super.getSqlDefinition(sqlTypeName);

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#getStringSqlDefinition(int)
  public String getStringSqlDefinition(int size) throws SQLException {
    if (size < 0) { // Don't use TEXT as it doesn't support
      // indexing or comparison
      return "VARCHAR(" + sqlServerTextHack + ")";
    return super.getStringSqlDefinition(size);

   * Translates a MSSQL String into a Poem <code>StringPoemType</code>.
  //public static class SQLServerStringPoemType extends StringPoemType {

     * Constructor.
     * @param nullable
     *          nullability
     * @param size
     *          length
    //public SQLServerStringPoemType(boolean nullable, int size) {
    //  super(nullable, size);

    // MSSQL returns metadata info size 2147483647 for its TEXT type
    // We set size to sqlServerTextHack for our Text type
    //protected boolean _canRepresent(SQLPoemType other) {
    //  return (getSize() < 0 || getSize() == 2147483647
    //          || getSize() == sqlServerTextHack || getSize() >= ((StringPoemType)other)
    //          .getSize());

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see org.melati.poem.BasePoemType#canRepresent(PoemType)
     * public PoemType canRepresent(PoemType other) { return other instanceof
     * StringPoemType && _canRepresent((StringPoemType) other) &&
     * !(!getNullable() && ((StringPoemType) other).getNullable()) ? other :
     * null; }

   * Accomodate our String size hack. {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#canRepresent
  public <S,O>PoemType<O> canRepresent(PoemType<S> storage, PoemType<O> type) {
    if (storage instanceof StringPoemType && type instanceof StringPoemType) {
      if (((StringPoemType)storage).getSize() == sqlServerTextHack
              && ((StringPoemType)type).getSize() == -1
              && !(!storage.getNullable() && type.getNullable())) {
        return type;
      } else {
        return storage.canRepresent(type);
    } else if (storage instanceof BinaryPoemType
            && type instanceof BinaryPoemType) {
      if (((BinaryPoemType)storage).getSize() == sqlServerMaxBinarySize
              && ((BinaryPoemType)type).getSize() == -1
              && !(!storage.getNullable() && type.getNullable())) {
        return type;
      } else {
        return storage.canRepresent(type);
    } else if (storage instanceof DatePoemType
            && type instanceof TimestampPoemType) {
      if (!(!storage.getNullable() && type.getNullable())) {
        return type;
      } else {
        return storage.canRepresent(type);
    } else {
      return super.canRepresent(storage, type);

   * Translates a MSSQL Date into a Poem <code>DatePoemType</code>.
 // public static class SQLServerDatePoemType extends DatePoemType {

     * Constructor.
     * @param nullable
     *          nullability
   // public SQLServerDatePoemType(boolean nullable) {
   //   super(Types.DATE, "DATETIME", nullable);
   // }

   // protected boolean _canRepresent(SQLPoemType other) {
   //   return other instanceof DatePoemType
   //           || other instanceof TimestampPoemType;
   // }

 // }

   * Translates a MSSQL Date into a Poem <code>TimestampPoemType</code>.
  //public static class SQLServerTimestampPoemType extends TimestampPoemType {

     * Constructor.
     * @param nullable
     *          nullability
    //public SQLServerTimestampPoemType(boolean nullable) {
    //  super(Types.TIMESTAMP, "DATETIME", nullable);

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#sqlBooleanValueOfRaw(java.lang.Object)
  public String sqlBooleanValueOfRaw(Object raw) {
    if (((Boolean)raw).booleanValue())
      return "1";
      return "0";

   * Translates an SQLServer Boolean into a Poem <code>BooleanPoemType</code>.
  public static class SQLServerBooleanPoemType extends BooleanPoemType {

     * Constructor.
     * @param nullable
     *          nullability
    public SQLServerBooleanPoemType(boolean nullable) {

    protected Boolean _getRaw(ResultSet rs, int col) throws SQLException {
      synchronized (rs) {
        boolean v = rs.getBoolean(col);
        return rs.wasNull() ? null : (v ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

    protected void _setRaw(PreparedStatement ps, int col, Object bool)
            throws SQLException {
      ps.setInt(col, ((Boolean)bool).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0);


   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms#getLongSqlDefinition()
  public String getLongSqlDefinition() {
    return "BIGINT";

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms#getBinarySqlDefinition(int)
  public String getBinarySqlDefinition(int size) throws SQLException {
    if (size < 0)
      return "VARBINARY(MAX)";

    return "VARBINARY(" + size + ")";

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(
   *      java.sql.ResultSet)
  public SQLPoemType<?> defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet md)
          throws SQLException {

    ResultSetMetaData rsmd = md.getMetaData();
    int cols = rsmd.getColumnCount();
    for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) {
      String table = rsmd.getTableName(i);
      System.err.println("table name: " + table);
      String column = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
      System.err.println("column name: " + column);
      int type = rsmd.getColumnType(i);
      System.err.println("type: " + type);
      String typeName = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(i);
      System.err.println("type Name: " + typeName);
      String className = rsmd.getColumnClassName(i);
      System.err.println("class Name: " + className);
      System.err.println("String val: " + md.getString(i));
    // Not used in Poem 
    //if (md.getString("TYPE_NAME").equals("text"))
    //  return new SQLServerStringPoemType(
    //          md.getInt("NULLABLE") == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable, md
    //                  .getInt("COLUMN_SIZE"));
    // We use a magic number for text fields
    if (md.getString("TYPE_NAME").equals("varchar")
            && md.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE") == sqlServerTextHack)
      return new StringPoemType(
              md.getInt("NULLABLE") == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable, -1);

    // Not used in Poem 
    if (md.getString("TYPE_NAME").equals("char"))
      return new StringPoemType(
              md.getInt("NULLABLE") == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable, md
    if (md.getString("TYPE_NAME").equals("float"))
      return new DoublePoemType(
              md.getInt("NULLABLE") == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable);
    if (md.getString("TYPE_NAME").equals("datetime"))
      return new DatePoemType(
              md.getInt("NULLABLE") == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable);
    if (md.getString("TYPE_NAME").equals("bit"))
      return new SQLServerBooleanPoemType(
              md.getInt("NULLABLE") == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable);
     * // MSSQL returns type -2 (BINARY) not 93 (TIMESTAMP) 
     * // They don't mean what we mean by timestamp
     * // They mean a one-per-record record creation timestamp  
     * if( md.getString("TYPE_NAME").equals("timestamp"))
     *   return new TimestampPoemType(md.getInt("NULLABLE")== DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable);
    return super.defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(md);

   * Ignore <TT>dtproperties</TT> as it is a 'System' table used to store
   * Entity Relationship diagrams which have a jdbc type of TABLE when it should
   * probably have a jdbc type of 'SYSTEM TABLE'. 
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#melatiName(java.lang.String)
  public String melatiName(String name) {
    if (name == null)
      return null;
    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("dtproperties"))
      return null;
    return name;

   * MSSQL cannot index TEXT fields. Probably means that if you are serious
   * about using MSSQL you should use a varchar.
   * If a field is defined as Text in the DSD we use a VARCHAR. Not sure what
   * happens if a legacy db really uses TEXT.
   * @return whether it is allowed.
  public boolean canBeIndexed(Column<?> column) {
    PoemType<?> t = column.getType();
    if (t instanceof StringPoemType && ((StringPoemType)t).getSize() < 0)
      return false;
    return true;

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#caseInsensitiveRegExpSQL
  public String caseInsensitiveRegExpSQL(String term1, String term2) {
    if (StringUtils.isQuoted(term2)) {
      term2 = term2.substring(1, term2.length() - 1);
    term2 = StringUtils.quoted(StringUtils.quoted(term2, '%'), '\'');

    return term1 + " LIKE " + term2;

   * Slightly different - embrace and extend.
  public String getForeignKeyDefinition(String tableName, String fieldName,
          String targetTableName, String targetTableFieldName, String fixName) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    sb.append(" ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + getQuotedName(fieldName) + ") REFERENCES "
            + getQuotedName(targetTableName) + "("
            + getQuotedName(targetTableFieldName) + ")");
    if (fixName.equals("prevent"))
      sb.append(" ON DELETE NO ACTION");
    if (fixName.equals("delete"))
      sb.append(" ON DELETE CASCADE");
    if (fixName.equals("clear"))
      sb.append(" ON DELETE SET NULL");
    return sb.toString();

   * Accommodate SQLServer syntax.
  public String alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String tableName, Column<?> column) {
    return "ALTER TABLE " + getQuotedName(tableName) + " ALTER COLUMN "
            + getQuotedName(column.getName()) + " "
            + column.getSQLType().sqlDefinition(this);

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms#selectLimit(java.lang.String, int)
  public String selectLimit(String querySelection, int limit) {
    return "SELECT TOP " + limit + querySelection;

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms#booleanTrueExpression(org.melati.poem.Column)
  public String booleanTrueExpression(Column<Boolean> booleanColumn) {
    return booleanColumn.fullQuotedName() + "=1";

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard#getSqlDefaultValue(org.melati.poem.SQLType)
  public String getSqlDefaultValue(SQLType<?> sqlType) {
    if (sqlType instanceof BooleanPoemType) {
      return ("0");
    if (sqlType instanceof BinaryPoemType) {
      return "convert(varbinary, '')";
    return super.getSqlDefaultValue(sqlType);
  public String getQuotedValue(SQLType<?> sqlType, String value) {
    if (sqlType instanceof BinaryPoemType) {
      return value;
    return super.getQuotedValue(sqlType, value);