Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
2083 0 0 0 100% 27.795

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.melati.poem 2 0 0 0 100% 0
org.melati.poem.dbms.test 421 0 0 0 100% 2.709
org.melati.poem.util.test 79 0 0 0 100% 0
org.melati.poem.test 1581 0 0 0 100% 25.086

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
BooleanPossibleRawEnumerationTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
AnsiStandardTest 35 0 0 0 100% 2.005
DbmsFactoryTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0
FirstSQLTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.063
HsqldbTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.078
HsqldbThrowerTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.078
InterbaseTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.047
MckoiTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.078
MimerTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.063
MSAccessTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.078
MySQLTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.078
OracleTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.047
PostgresqlTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.047
SQLServerTest 35 0 0 0 100% 0.047


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ArrayEnumerationTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0
ArrayUtilsTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0
CachedIndexFactoryTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0
ClassUtilsTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0
ConsEnumerationTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0
DictionaryOrderTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0
EmptyEnumerationTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0
EnumUtilsTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0
FilteredEnumerationTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0
FlattenedEnumerationTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0
IntegerEnumerationTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0
LimitedEnumerationTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0
LongEnumerationTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0
SortUtilsTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0
StringUtilsTest 23 0 0 0 100% 0


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
BinaryTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.852
CachedCountTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.11
CachedExistsTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.094
CachedSelectionTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.125
CachedTailoredQueryTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.166
CapabilityTableTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.041
CapabilityTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.125
ColumnInfoTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.196
ColumnTest 48 0 0 0 100% 0.85
ColumnTypePoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.281
DatabasePerformInCommittedTransactionTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.031
DatabaseTest 64 0 0 0 100% 0.25
DatabaseUnifyWithDBTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.188
DeletedPoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.343
DisplayLevelPoemTypeTest 23 0 0 0 100% 0.265
DisplayLevelTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0
DynamicTableTest 20 0 0 0 100% 2.459
EverythingDatabaseTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.126
FieldSetTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.062
FieldTest 34 0 0 0 100% 0.449
GroupCapabilityTableTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.062
GroupCapabilityTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.094
GroupMembershipTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.062
GroupTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.062
MultiThreadedCachedSelectionTest 2 0 0 0 100% 1.009
NonSQLPoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.337
NotNullableBinaryPoemTypeTest 26 0 0 0 100% 0.319
NotNullableBooleanPoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.275
NotNullableDatePoemTypeTest 24 0 0 0 100% 0.306
NotNullableDefaultBigDecimalPoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.26
NotNullableDoublePoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.262
NotNullableIntegerPoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.242
NotNullablelntegrityFixPoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.219
NotNullableLongPoemTypeTest 23 0 0 0 100% 0.234
NotNullableReferencePoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.235
NotNullableSetBigDecimalPoemTypeTest 24 0 0 0 100% 0.239
NotNullableSizedPasswordPoemTypeTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.253
NotNullableSizedStringPoemTypeTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.269
NotNullableStringKeyReferencePoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.278
NotNullableTimePoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.219
NotNullableTimestampPoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.221
NotNullableUnlimitedStringPoemTypeTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.234
NullableBinaryPoemTypeTest 26 0 0 0 100% 0.246
NullableBooleanPoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.317
NullableDatePoemTypeTest 24 0 0 0 100% 0.549
NullableDefaultBigDecimalPoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.347
NullableDoublePoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.251
NullableIntegerPoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.282
NullableLongPoemTypeTest 23 0 0 0 100% 0.235
NullableReferencePoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.234
NullableSetBigDecimalPoemTypeTest 24 0 0 0 100% 0.271
NullableSizedStringPoemTypeTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.291
NullableStingKeyReferencePoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.272
NullableTimePoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.235
NullableTimestampPoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.298
NullableUnlimitedStringPoemTypeTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.265
PersistentFactoryTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.883
PersistentTest 55 0 0 0 100% 0.807
PoemDatabaseFactoryTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.047
PoemDatabaseTest 58 0 0 0 100% 0.797
PoemLocaleTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.028
PoemThreadTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.161
PoemTransactionTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.083
PoemTypeFactoryTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.082
PreparedStatementFactoryTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.065
PreparedTailoredQueryTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.091
ProtectedPersistentTest 59 0 0 0 100% 0.933
RangedNullableIntegerPoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.241
ResultSetEnumerationTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.053
SearchabilityPoemTypeTest 24 0 0 0 100% 0.291
SearchabilityTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0
SessionTokenTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.064
SettingTableTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.125
SettingTest 11 0 0 0 100% 0.112
SqlExceptionPoemTypeTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.203
StandardIntegrityFixTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.078
StringPoemTypeTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0
TableCategoryTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.032
TableFactoryTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.327
TableInfoTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.176
TableMapTest 17 0 0 0 100% 0.259
TableTest 131 0 0 0 100% 1.663
TailoredQueryTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.211
TroidPoemTypeTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.321
UserTest 11 0 0 0 100% 0.156

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testHasMoreElements 0
testNextElement 0


testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 1.896
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0.016
testGetSqlDefinition 0
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0.015
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0.016
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0.016
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testUnreservedName 0
testSelectLimit 0.015
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testMelatiName 0.016
testGetConnection 0
testCanRepresent 0
testCreateTableSql 0.015
testNothing 0


testGetDbms 0


testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0.016
testGetSqlDefinition 0
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0.015
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testUnreservedName 0
testSelectLimit 0.016
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testMelatiName 0
testGetConnection 0.016
testCanRepresent 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testNothing 0


testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0.015
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testUnreservedName 0
testMelatiName 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0.016
testGetSqlDefinition 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testSelectLimit 0
testGetIndexLength 0.016
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testGetConnection 0
testCanRepresent 0
testNothing 0.015


testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testUnreservedName 0
testMelatiName 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testGetSqlDefinition 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0.015
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0.016
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testSelectLimit 0
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0.015
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testGetConnection 0.016
testCanRepresent 0
testNothing 0


testGetSqlDefinition 0
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0.016
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0.015
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testUnreservedName 0
testSelectLimit 0
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0.016
testShutdown 0
testToString 0
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testMelatiName 0
testGetConnection 0
testCanRepresent 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testNothing 0


testGetSqlDefinition 0.015
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testCanRepresent 0.016
testCreateTableSql 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0.016
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0.015
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testUnreservedName 0
testSelectLimit 0
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0.016
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testMelatiName 0
testGetConnection 0
testNothing 0


testGetSqlDefinition 0.016
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testCanRepresent 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0.016
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0.015
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testUnreservedName 0
testSelectLimit 0
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0.016
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testMelatiName 0
testGetConnection 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testNothing 0


testGetSqlDefinition 0.015
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0.016
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0.015
testCanDropColumns 0
testSelectLimit 0
testMelatiName 0
testCanRepresent 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0.016
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testUnreservedName 0
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0.016
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testGetConnection 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testNothing 0


testGetSqlDefinition 0.016
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0.016
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testGetIndexLength 0
testCanRepresent 0
testCreateTableSql 0.015
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testCanDropColumns 0.016
testUnreservedName 0
testSelectLimit 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0.015
testMelatiName 0
testGetConnection 0
testNothing 0


testGetSqlDefinition 0
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0.016
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testUnreservedName 0
testMelatiName 0
testCanRepresent 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0.016
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testSelectLimit 0
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0.015
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testGetConnection 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testNothing 0


testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testGetSqlDefinition 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0.016
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testCanDropColumns 0.015
testUnreservedName 0
testSelectLimit 0
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0
testGetSchema 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testMelatiName 0
testGetConnection 0
testCanRepresent 0.016
testNothing 0


testGetSqlDefinition 0
testGetStringSqlDefinition 0
testGetLongSqlDefinition 0.015
testGetBinarySqlDefinition 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQL 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLQuoted 0
testCaseInsensitiveRegExpSQLBlank 0
testGetForeignKeyDefinition 0
testSqlBooleanValueOfRaw 0
testSelectLimit 0
testCanBeIndexed 0
testMelatiName 0
testExceptionForUpdateTableStringBooleanSQLException 0.016
testExceptionForUpdateTablePreparedStatementBooleanSQLException 0
testDefaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData 0
testCreateTableOptionsSql 0
testGetPrimaryKeyDefinition 0
testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testAlterColumnNotNullableSQL 0
testPreparedStatementPlaceholder 0
testGetFixedPtSqlDefinition 0
testBooleanTrueExtression 0
testGetJdbcMetadataName 0
testCanDropColumns 0
testUnreservedName 0.016
testGetIndexLength 0
testGetQuotedName 0
testGetQuotedValue 0
testShutdown 0
testToString 0
testGetSchema 0
testGetConnection 0
testCanRepresent 0
testCreateTableSql 0
testNothing 0


testCreate 0.836
testNothing 0.016


testCachedCountPersistentBooleanBoolean 0.031
testCachedCountTableStringTableArray 0.032
testCachedCountTableString 0.015
testCount 0.032
testNothing 0


testCachedExistsTableStringTableArray 0.016
testCachedExistsTableString 0.031
testExists 0.031
testNothing 0.016


testMultiTableSelection 0.046
testToString 0.016
testFirstObject 0.016
testNth 0.031
testNothing 0.016


testSelection_firstRaw 0.031
testCachedTailoredQueryStringColumnArrayTableArrayStringString 0.062
testCachedTailoredQueryColumnArrayTableArrayStringString 0.016
testSelection 0.031
testUpToDate 0.02
testNothing 0.006


testEnsure 0.026
testNothing 0.015


testAssertCanReadAccessToken 0.016
testCapabilityString 0.047
testToString 0.031
testCapability 0.015
testNothing 0.016


testGetDsdQualifiers2 0.015
testAssertCanReadAccessToken 0.016
testGetDsdQualifiers 0.031
testSetDisplaylevelIndex 0.031
testSetTableinfoTroid 0.016
testProgramaticCreation 0.047
testSetName 0.016
testNothing 0.024


testGetUserCreateable 0.006
testSetSearchability 0.031
testGetDisplayLevel 0.016
testGetIntegrityFix 0.015
testSetDisplayLevel 0.032
testGetSortDescending 0.015
testSelectionWhereEq 0.016
testIsDeletedColumn 0.016
testGetDisplayOrderPriority 0.015
testCachedSelectionWhereEq 0.031
testGetUserEditable 0.016
testGetSearchability 0.016
testSetIntegrityFix 0.015
testToString 0.031
testEnsure 0.016
testAsEmptyField 0.016
testGetType 0.015
testSetRawString 0.052
testColumn 0.016
testGetName 0.015
testQuotedName 0.016
testGetTable 0.015
testGetDatabase 0.016
testGetColumnInfo 0.016
testIsTroidColumn 0.015
testGetIndexed 0.016
testGetUnique 0.016
testGetRenderInfo 0.015
testGetHeight 0.016
testDump 0.015
testGetSQLType 0.016
testFirstWhereEq 0.016
testGetRaw_unsafe 0.015
testGetDisplayName 0.016
testGetRaw 0.016
testSetRaw 0.015
testFullQuotedName 0.016
testSetRaw_unsafe 0.015
testGetCooked 0.016
testGetWidth 0.012
testSetCooked 0.015
testEqClause 0.016
testLoad_unsafe 0.015
testGetDescription 0.016
testSave_unsafe 0.016
testFirstFree 0.031
testReferencesTo 0.016
testNothing 0.015


testCookedOfRaw 0.015
testPossibleRaws 0.016
testQuotedRaw 0.016
testStringOfCooked 0.015
testRawOfCooked 0.016
testAssertValidCooked 0.016
testSqlTypeDefinition 0
testSqlDefaultValue 0.015
testCanRepresent 0.016
testGetRaw 0
testSetRaw 0.016
testStringOfRaw 0
testSqlTypeCode 0.016
testSqlDefinition 0.015
testRawOfString 0.016
testGetNullable 0.016
testAssertValidRaw 0.015
testWithNullable 0.016
testSaveColumnInfo 0.015
testToDsdType 0.016
testNothing 0


testDeleteInCommittedTransaction 0
testInCommittedTransaction 0
testUpdateInCommittedTransaction 0
testReadInCommittedTransaction 0.015
testTableTroidSelection 0
testCreateInCommittedTransaction 0
testToString 0
testTableCount 0.016


testGivesCapabilitySQL 0
testInCommittedTransaction 0
testTransactionsMax 0
testReferencesToTable 0
testGetColumnInfoTable 0
testReferencesToPersistent 0
testGetFreeTransactionsCount 0
testGetCanAdminister 0
testBeginExclusiveLock 0
testGetGroupCapabilityTable 0
testSetCanAdminister 0
testGetTableCategoryTable 0
testGetSettingTable 0
testSetTransactionsMax 0
testGetCapabilityTable 0
testDumpCacheAnalysis 0
testGuestAccessToken 0
testGetGroupMembershipTable 0
testGetTableInfoTable 0
testAdministratorUser 0
testSetCanAdministerString 0
testGetDisplayTables 0
testGetCommittedConnection 0
testUncacheContents 0
testGetReferencesToPersistent 0
testPoemTransaction 0
testAddTableAndCommit 0
testAdministerCapability 0.109
testEndExclusiveLock 0
testIncrementQueryCount 0
testGetTransactionsCount 0
testDeleteTableAndCommit 0
testToString 0
testGetDbms 0
testGetName 0
testQuotedName 0
testGetTable 0
testDump 0
testGetDisplayName 0
testTables 0
testGetColumns 0
testGetQueryCount 0
testEndSession 0
testDatabase 0
testIsFree 0
testGuestUser 0
testHasCapability 0
testSqlUpdate 0
testSqlQuery 0
testTrimCache 0
testSetLogSQL 0
testLogCommits 0
testBeginSession 0
testColumns 0
testGetGroupTable 0
testSetLogCommits 0
testGetUserTable 0
testDisconnect 0
testAddConstraints 0.016
testInSession 0
testConnect 0
testTransaction 0
testGetTables 0.125
testLogSQL 0


testUnifyWithDB 0.11
testUnifyWithDB_nonIDKey 0.078


testToString 0
testCanRepresent 0.014
testGetRaw 0.031
testSetRaw 0.016
testPossibleRaws 0.016
testQuotedRaw 0.031
testRawOfString 0
testAssertValidCooked 0.016
testSqlTypeDefinition 0.015
testSqlDefaultValue 0.016
testCookedOfRaw 0.015
testStringOfCooked 0.016
testStringOfRaw 0.016
testRawOfCooked 0
testSqlTypeCode 0.015
testSqlDefinition 0.016
testGetNullable 0.016
testAssertValidRaw 0.015
testWithNullable 0.016
testSaveColumnInfo 0.015
testToDsdType 0.016
testNothing 0.016


testToString 0
testPossibleRaws 0.015
testStringOfCooked 0.016
testRawOfCooked 0.016
testFullConstructor 0.015
testCanRepresent 0.016
testQuotedRaw 0.015
testRawOfString 0
testAssertValidCooked 0.016
testSqlTypeDefinition 0.016
testSqlDefaultValue 0.015
testGetRaw 0.016
testSetRaw 0.016
testCookedOfRaw 0
testStringOfRaw 0.015
testSqlTypeCode 0.016
testSqlDefinition 0
testGetNullable 0.016
testAssertValidRaw 0.015
testWithNullable 0
testSaveColumnInfo 0.016
testToDsdType 0.015
testNothing 0


testNamed 0
testForIndex 0
testCount 0
testToString 0


testAddColumnAndCommitNullableInteger 0.016
testAddColumnAndCommitSearchability 0.156
testExtraColumnAsField 0.11
testAddTableAndCommit 0.125
testAddColumnAndCommitLong 0.124
testAddColumnAndCommitDate 0.123
testAddColumnAndCommitTimestamp 0.109
testAddColumnAndCommitDouble 0.129
testAddColumnAndCommitDisplaylevel 0.11
testAddColumnAndCommitBoolean 0.125
testAddColumnAndCommitType 0.131
testAddColumnAndCommitInteger 0.14
testAddColumnAndCommitPassword 0.158
testAddColumnAndCommitTroid 0.141
testAddColumnAndCommitBinary 0.125
testAddColumnAndCommitBigDecimal 0.14
testAddColumnAndCommitString 0.094
testAddColumnAndCommitIntegrityfix 0.156
testAddColumnAndCommitDeleted 0.125
testNothing 0.121


testGetDisplayTables 0.111
testGetUserTable 0.015
testNothing 0


testElements 0
testFieldSet 0.016
testGet 0.015
testToString 0.016
testNothing 0.015


testFieldAccessPoemExceptionFieldAttributes 0
testWithRaw 0.016
testClone 0.016
testGetRawString 0.015
testSameRawAs 0
testBasic 0.016
testString 0.016
testInteger 0.015
testHashCode 0.016
testEquals 0
testWithName 0.015
testGetUserCreateable 0.016
testGetUserEditable 0.016
testGetCookedString 0.015
testFieldObjectFieldAttributes 0
testWithDescription 0.016
testGetPossibilities 0.016
testReferenceTableString 0.015
testGetFirst1000Possibilities 0.031
testReferencePersistentString 0
testToString 0.016
testGetType 0.016
testGetName 0
testGetIndexed 0.015
testGetRenderInfo 0.016
testGetHeight 0
testDump 0.016
testGetDisplayName 0.015
testGetRaw 0.016
testGetCooked 0.015
testGetWidth 0.016
testGetDescription 0.019
testWithNullable 0.016
testNothing 0.023


testGroupCapabilityTable 0.015
testEnsure 0.031
testNothing 0.016


testGroupCapability 0.016
testEnsureGroupCapability 0.031
testGroupCapabilityGroupCapability 0.031
testNothing 0.016


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testPersistentFromPojoWithBinaryField 0.135
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testFrom 0.124
testNothing 0.072


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testNothing 0.015


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testGetDatabase 0


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testGetTableInfoTable 0.015
testAdministratorUser 0.016
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testTables 0.012
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testSqlUpdate2 0.016
testNothing 0


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testToString 0
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testLocale 0
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testShortMonthName 0
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testCommit 0.012
testNothing 0.011


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testNothing 0.015


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testPossibleRaws 0.016
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testRawOfString 0.01
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testWithNullable 0.01
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testNothing 0.009


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testSkip 0.013
testNothing 0.012


testNamed 0.013
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testToDsdType 0.016
testNothing 0.02


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testForIndex 0
testCount 0
testToString 0
testGetName 0
testGetIndex 0


testToTidy 0.01
testGetStarted 0.01
testGetTask 0.003
testGetTransaction 0.019
testGetThread 0.009
testNothing 0.013


testGet 0.012
testEnsureStringStringStringString 0.013
testEnsureStringIntStringString 0.003
testGetCooked 0.016
testSettingTable 0.022
testGetOrDie 0.016
testPostInitialise 0.01
testEnsureStringBooleanStringString 0.002
testEnsureStringPoemTypeFactoryObjectStringString 0.016
testNothing 0.015


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testGetStringCooked 0.016
testGetBooleanCooked 0.016
testGetRaw 0
testGetCooked 0.015
testSetValue 0.016
testSetRawObject 0
testGetValue 0.016
testGetValueField 0.017
testSettingIntegerStringStringStringString 0
testNothing 0.016


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testToDsdType 0
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testSqlTypeDefinition 0
testSqlDefaultValue 0.015
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testGetRaw 0
testSetRaw 0.016
testCookedOfRaw 0.015
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testStringOfCooked 0.016
testStringOfRaw 0
testRawOfCooked 0.016
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testSqlDefinition 0.015
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testAssertValidRaw 0.015
testWithNullable 0
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testNothing 0.016


testNamed 0
testForIndex 0.015
testCount 0
testToString 0.016
testGetName 0.016
testReferencesTo 0
testGetIndex 0.015
testNothing 0.016


testToString 0
testSqlDefinition 0
testToDsdType 0
testStringPoemType 0


testTableCategoryString 0
testAssertCanReadAccessToken 0
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testNothing 0.016


testFromClassBadInput 0.015
testFromObjectWithStringIdField 0.076
testFromUnKnownInstance 0.08
testFromNonPublicObject 0.055
testFromKnownInstance 0.05
testNothing 0.051


testSetCachelimitInteger 0.055
testClearIntegrityFix 0.021
testSetSeqcachedBoolean 0.012
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testActualTable 0.015
testDeleteMap 0.016
testTableInfo 0.011
testTableInfoTable 0.01
testNothing 0.009


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testGetTable 0.015
testRemove 0.017
testTableMapTable 0.006
testContainsValue 0.016
testSetTable 0.022
testClear 0.01
testPut 0.016
testSize 0.006
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testPutAll 0.015
testEntrySet 0.012
testValues 0.008
testKeySet 0.027
testTableMap 0.012
testNothing 0.016


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testRememberAllTroids 0.016
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testDefaultDescription 0.016
testUnifyWithColumnInfo 0.015
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testCachedCountPersistent 0.107
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testGetRecordDisplayColumns 0.019
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testSelectionPersistentString 0.016
testDefaultCacheLimit 0
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testCanSelectColumn 0
testAppendWhereClause 0.015
testCachedSelectionType 0.016
testCachedSelection 0.047
testAddColumnAndCommitNullableInteger 0.015
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testHashCode 0.02
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testSetSearchColumn 0.016
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testReferencesToPersistent 0.015
testDumpCacheAnalysis 0.016
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testAddColumnAndCommitDate 0.015
testAddColumnAndCommitTimestamp 0
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testAddColumnAndCommitType 0.016
testAddColumnAndCommitInteger 0
testAddColumnAndCommitPassword 0.016
testAddColumnAndCommitTroid 0
testAddColumnAndCommitBinary 0.015
testAddColumnAndCommitBigDecimal 0.016
testAddColumnAndCommitString 0.016
testAddColumnAndCommitIntegrityfix 0
testAddColumnAndCommitDeleted 0.015
testCount 0.016
testToString 0
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testSelection 0
testGetName 0.016
testQuotedName 0
testGetDatabase 0.015
testDump 0.016
testGetDisplayName 0.016
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testColumns 0
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testDelete 0.015
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testEqualsObject 0.015
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testGetTableInfo 0.016
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testCountString 0.011
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testInit 0.016
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testSerial 0.016
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testTable 0.015
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testAddListener 0.016
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testLoad 0
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testSetCacheLimit 0.015
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testCountSQLStringStringBooleanBoolean 0.016
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testNothing 0.016


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testTailoredQueryColumnArrayTableArrayStringString 0.032
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testSaveColumnInfo 0.015
testNothing 0.016


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testIsAdministrator 0.016
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testToString 0.016
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testSetPassword 0.015
testUser 0
testIsGuest 0.016
testGetPassword 0.016
testNothing 0.015


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testHasMoreElements 0
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testSection 0
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testAdded 0


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testLessOrEqual 0


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testConcatenated 0
testInitial 0
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testNextElement 0
testSkip 0


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testNextElement 0
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testFlattenedEnumerationEnumerationEnumeration 0


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testLimitedEnumeration 0
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testNextElement 0
testSkip 0


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testHasMoreElements 0
testNextElement 0


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testInsertionSort 0
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