Package org.melati.poem.transaction

Package class diagram package org.melati.poem.transaction
The transaction API for POEM.


Interface Summary
ToTidyList.Closeable Can be closed.
TransactionPool A pool of Transactions.

Class Summary
ToTidyList List of objects which need closing when a Transaction is terminated.
Transaction A Transaction.
Transactioned An object which can have uncommitted state within a Transaction.
TransactionedSerial A serial id of an object which is incremented each time that object is loaded or locked.

Exception Summary
CrossTransactionCommitException Thrown should there be an attempt within one Transactioned Transaction to commit changes made in another.
TransactionIndexTooLargeException Thrown when the number of Transactions exceeds the limit.
WouldDeadlockException Thrown if a Transaction would get into a deadly embrace with another.
WriteCommittedException Thrown when an attempt is made to write to an object within a committed Transaction.

Package org.melati.poem.transaction Description

The transaction API for POEM.

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