Package org.melati.test

Package class diagram package org.melati.test
This directory contains a series of interactive tests to help in setting up and debugging a Melati installation.


Class Summary
CharData Provides character data for test servlets.
CharData.Item A data item.
CharsetServletTest Test display of various characters without using a Template Engine.
CharsetTemplateServletTest Test display of various characters using a Template Engine.
ConfigServletTest Test a Melati configuration without using a Template Engine.
ConfigServletTestOverride Demonstrates how to override individual property settings programmatically.
EmailTemplateServletTest Test display of various characters using a Template Engine.
ExitServlet Test how your servlet container behaves when you call System.exit(0).
FlushingServletTest Illustrate the difference between flushing and not flushing your output buffer.
PoemServletTest Test a Melati configuration which accesses a POEM database without using a Template Engine.
RestrictedAccessObject An object which requires authorisation to view it.
SessionAnalysisServlet Displays information about the status of this JVM and the databases running in it.
TemplateServletTest Test a Melati configuration with a Template Engine and a temporary file form data adaptor.
TemplateServletTestOverride Illustrate overridden authentication handling.
WebmacroMelatiServletTest Test WebMacro in standalone mode (outside the servlet API) by expanding a template to a string and then including it within a template.
WebmacroStandalone This example demonstrates using WebMacro in "standalone" mode.

Package org.melati.test Description

This directory contains a series of interactive tests to help in setting up and debugging a Melati installation.

Further installation tests can be found in /Testing.html.

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