A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y _


AccessForbiddenToken - Class in org.melati.poem
AccessToken that gives no capabilities.
AccessForbiddenToken() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.AccessForbiddenToken
AccessibleCreationException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised attempt to create an object is made.
AccessibleCreationException(AccessPoemException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AccessibleCreationException
AccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an authorisation problem occurs, that is when a User does not have the required Capability or is not in a Group with the required Capability to access a restricted object.
AccessPoemException(Exception, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
AccessPoemException(AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
AccessPoemException(AccessPoemException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
AccessPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
AccessToken - Interface in org.melati.poem
An AccessToken (aka User).
accessToken() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
actualTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableInfo
Get the Table this is about.
add(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
Add a ResultSet to the list.
add(Statement) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
Add a Statement to the list.
add(Reader) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
Add a Reader to the list.
add(Writer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
Add a Writer to the list.
add(InputStream) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
Add an InputStream to the list.
add(OutputStream) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
Add an OutputStream to the list.
add(ToTidyList.Closeable) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
Add any Closeable to the list.
addColumn(String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Add column definitions to this table.
addColumn(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Add column definitions, perhaps Primary Keys, to this table.
addColumn(String, String, CSVTable) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Add column definitions for foreign keys to this table.
addColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Add a Column to the database and the TableInfo table.
addColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Add a Column to the database and the TableInfo table.
addConstraints() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Add database constraints.
added(Object[], Object) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayUtils
Add an Object to an Array.
addField(CSVField) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVRecord
Add a field to this record.
addListener(TableListener) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Add a TableListener to this Table.
addListener(TableListener) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Add a TableListener to this Table.
addTable(String, File) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFilesProcessor
Convenience method.
addTable(Table, File) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFilesProcessor
Add a table to this processor.
addTableAndCommit(TableInfo, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Add a Table to this Databse and commit the Transaction.
administerCapability() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
administratorsGroup() - Method in class org.melati.poem.GroupTable
administratorUser() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
administratorUser - Variable in class org.melati.poem.UserTable
administratorUser() - Method in class org.melati.poem.UserTable
AlreadyInSessionPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt to open a new User session from within one is made.
AlreadyInSessionPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AlreadyInSessionPoemException
alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String, Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Return the SQL snippet to alter a column to not nullable.
alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String, Column) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Return the SQL snippet to alter a column to not nullable.
alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String, Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Accommodate SQLServer syntax.
alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String, Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Return the SQL snippet to alter a column to not nullable.
alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String, Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accommodate SQLServer syntax.
AnsiStandard - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
An SQL 92 compliant Database Management System.
AnsiStandard() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
AppBugPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when the error is likely to be caused by an error in the application programmers code, such as mistypeing a class name or mis-configuring a property.
AppBugPoemException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AppBugPoemException
AppBugPoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AppBugPoemException
AppBugPoemException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AppBugPoemException
AppBugPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.AppBugPoemException
appendEscaped(StringBuffer, String, char) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
appendEscaped(StringBuffer, String, char, char) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Append a String to a StringBuffer, and escaping any occurances of the char in the String.
appendQuoted(StringBuffer, String, char) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Append a String to a StringBuffer, first quoting it with a quote character and escaping any occurrences of the quote char in the String.
appendWhereClause(StringBuffer, Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Append an SQL logical expression to the given buffer to match rows according to criteria represented by the given object.
appendWhereClause(StringBuffer, Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Append an SQL logical expression to the given buffer to match rows according to criteria represented by the given object.
apply(Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.util.Procedure
Apply ourselves to argument.
ArrayEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration created from an Array.
ArrayEnumeration(T[]) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayEnumeration
arrayOf(Vector) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayUtils
Create an Array from a Vector.
arrayOf(Enumeration) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayUtils
Create an Array from an Enumeration.
ArrayUtils - Class in org.melati.poem.util
A collection of useful operations on Arrays.
asEmptyField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Return a Field of the same type as this Column with default attributes.
asField(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Return a Field of the same type as this Column from the Persistent.
asField(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
Return a Field of the same type as this Column from the Persistent.
assertCanCreate(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Check that you have create access to the object.
assertCanCreate() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
assertCanCreate(AccessToken) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Check that you have create access to the object.
assertCanCreate() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
assertCanDelete(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Check that you have delete access to the object.
assertCanDelete() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
assertCanDelete(AccessToken) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Check that you have delete access to the object.
assertCanDelete() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
assertCanRead(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Capability
Allow this object to be read by anyone.
assertCanRead(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnInfo
Allow reading by not throwing an exception.
assertCanRead(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Group
Allow this object to be read by anyone.
assertCanRead(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Check that you have read access to the object.
assertCanRead() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
assertCanRead(AccessToken) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Check that you have read access to the object.
assertCanRead() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
assertCanRead(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableCategory
Allow this object to be read by anyone.
assertCanRead(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableInfo
Allow this object to be read by anyone.
assertCanWrite(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Check that you have write access to the object.
assertCanWrite() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
assertCanWrite(AccessToken) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Check that you have write access to the object.
assertCanWrite() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
assertHasCapability(Capability) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Check that we have the given Capability, throw an AccessPoemException if we don't.
assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Check if an Object is valid, throw appropriate Exception if not.
assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Check if an Object is valid, throw appropriate Exception if not.
assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Check if value is of the right type and an allowed value, throw appropriate Exception if not.
assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Check if value is of the right type and an allowed value, throw appropriate Exception if not.
AtomPoemType<T> - Class in org.melati.poem
Base class for all atomic types.
AtomPoemType(int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType


backingCommit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTransaction
backingCommit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
backingRollback() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTransaction
backingRollback() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
BaseFieldAttributes - Class in org.melati.poem
Base class of all Fields.
BaseFieldAttributes(String, String, String, PoemType, int, int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
Full Constructor.
BaseFieldAttributes(String, PoemType) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
Convenience constructor.
BaseFieldAttributes(FieldAttributes, PoemType) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
Create a new BaseFieldAttributes based upon another, but overriding its type.
BaseFieldAttributes(FieldAttributes, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
Create a new BaseFieldAttributes based upon another, overriding its name.
BaseFieldAttributes(FieldAttributes, String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
Allow the description to vary as well.
BaseFieldAttributes(FieldAttributes, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
Create a new BaseFieldAttributes based upon another, overriding its nullability.
BasePoemType<T> - Class in org.melati.poem
Base class of all fundamental types.
basic(Object, String, PoemType) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.Field
A convenience method to create a Field.
beginExclusiveLock() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Acquire a lock on the database.
beginSession(AccessToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Start a db session.
BIGDECIMAL - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
BigDecimal base-type factory.
BigDecimalPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
Java "BigDecimal", dependant upon the database/SQL implementation.
BigDecimalPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
BigDecimalPoemType(boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
BINARY - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Binary base-type factory.
BinaryLengthValidationPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an overlong value is asserted to be a valid raw BinaryPoemType Field.
BinaryLengthValidationPoemException(PoemType, byte[]) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.BinaryLengthValidationPoemException
BinaryPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A Blob Field type.
BinaryPoemType(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Boolean base-type factory.
BooleanPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A Boolean Nullable Field type.
BooleanPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
BooleanPossibleRawEnumeration - Class in org.melati.poem
The possible raw values of a BooleanPoemType.
BooleanPossibleRawEnumeration() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.BooleanPossibleRawEnumeration
booleanTrueExpression(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate lack of boolean types.
booleanTrueExpression(Column) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate lack of boolean types.
booleanTrueExpression(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Accomodate lack of boolean types.
booleanTrueExpression(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accomodate lack of boolean types.


Cache - Class in org.melati.poem.util
A store whose capacity has a guaranteed lower limit but whose upper limit is bounded by the amount of memory available to the JVM.
Cache(int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Constructor with maximum size.
Cache.InconsistencyException - Exception in org.melati.poem.util
Thrown if one or more problems are discovered with cache consistency.
Cache.InconsistencyException(Vector<Object>) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.util.Cache.InconsistencyException
Cache.Info - Class in org.melati.poem.util
A class which enables reporting upon the state of the Cache.
CachedCount - Class in org.melati.poem
A cached instance of an SQL count query.
CachedCount(Table, String, Table[]) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedCount
CachedCount(Persistent, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedCount
Create a count from a Persistent.
CachedCount(Table, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedCount
Constructor where whereClause does not involve other tables.
cachedCount(String, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedCount(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedCount(Persistent, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedCount(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
cachedCount(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedCount(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedCount(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedCount(Persistent, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedCount(Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
cachedCount(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A mechanism for caching a record count.
CachedExists - Class in org.melati.poem
A cached instance of an SQL count > 0 query.
CachedExists(Table, String, Table[]) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedExists
CachedExists(Table, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedExists
cachedExists(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A mechanism for caching an existance.
cachedExists(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A mechanism for caching an existance.
CachedIndexFactory - Class in org.melati.poem.util
Supply and cache objects identified by a numeric index.
CachedIndexFactory() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.CachedIndexFactory
CachedQuery - Class in org.melati.poem
Object to return the results of a query with caching.
CachedQuery(Table, String, Table[]) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
CachedSelection - Class in org.melati.poem
A cached instance of an SQL select query.
CachedSelection(Table, String, String, Table[]) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedSelection
CachedSelection(Table, String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedSelection
Constructor for a single Table query.
cachedSelection(String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A mechanism for caching a selection of records.
cachedSelection(String, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A mechanism for caching a selection of records.
cachedSelectionField(String, String, boolean, Integer, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Make up a Field object whose possible values are a selected subset of the records in the table.
cachedSelectionField(String, String, boolean, Integer, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Make up a Field object whose possible values are a selected subset of the records in the table.
cachedSelectionType(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedSelectionType(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A mechanism for caching a record count.
cachedSelectionWhereEq(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Create a new CachedSelection of objects equal to this raw parameter.
CachedTailoredQuery - Class in org.melati.poem
A cached instance of a PreparedTailoredQuery.
CachedTailoredQuery(String, Column[], Table[], String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedTailoredQuery
Full Constructor.
CachedTailoredQuery(Column[], Table[], String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CachedTailoredQuery
Constructor with modifier null.
CacheDuplicationException - Exception in org.melati.poem.util
Thrown should a duplicate entry be put in the Cache.
CacheDuplicationException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.util.CacheDuplicationException
CacheDuplicationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.util.CacheDuplicationException
cachelimit - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Cache size limit - The maximum number of records from the table to keep in the cache
canBeIndexed(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
MSSQL cannot index a TEXT column.
canBeIndexed(Column) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Whether a Column can have an SQL index applied to it.
canBeIndexed(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
MSSQL cannot index TEXT fields.
cancreate - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Default `create' capability - The capability required, by default, for creating records in the table
canDeleteColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
canDeleteColumn() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
canDropColumns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Whether this DBMS can drop columns.
canDropColumns() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Whether this DBMS can drop columns.
canDropColumns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.HsqldbText
Whether this DBMS can drop columns.
canDropColumns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Whether this DBMS can drop columns.
canDropColumns(Connection) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Postgresql
Whether this DBMS can drop columns.
canReadColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
canReadColumn() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
canReadPasswords() - Method in class org.melati.poem.UserTable
Defaults to the db's administraor capability.
canRepresent(PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Return a PoemType which can can represent another, or null.
canRepresent(PoemType<?>, PoemType<?>) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Enable one PoemType to represent another, for example a bit to represent a boolean.
canRepresent(PoemType<?>, PoemType<?>) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Enable one PoemType to represent another, for example a bit to represent a boolean.
canRepresent(PoemType, PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
Accomodate our String size hack.
canRepresent(PoemType, PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
Enable one PoemType to represent another, for example a bit to represent a boolean.
canRepresent(PoemType, PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mimer
Enable one PoemType to represent another, for example a bit to represent a boolean.
canRepresent(PoemType, PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Enable one PoemType to represent another, for example a bit to represent a boolean.
canRepresent(PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess.MSAccessStringPoemType
Return a PoemType which can can represent another, or null.
canRepresent(PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.BlobPoemType
Return a PoemType which can can represent another, or null.
canRepresent(PoemType<?>, PoemType<?>) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Enable one PoemType to represent another, for example a bit to represent a boolean.
canRepresent(PoemType, PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Enable one PoemType to represent another, for example a bit to represent a boolean.
canRepresent(PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle.OracleStringPoemType
Return a PoemType which can can represent another, or null.
canRepresent(PoemType, PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accomodate our String size hack.
canRepresent(PoemType<?>) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Return a PoemType which can can represent another, or null.
canSelectColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
canSelectColumn() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
canStoreBlobs() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Whether this DBMS can store binary data.
canStoreBlobs() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Whether this DBMS can store binary data.
canStoreBlobs() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Whether this DBMS can store binary data.
canWriteColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
canWriteColumn() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
canWritePasswords() - Method in class org.melati.poem.UserTable
Defaults to the db's administraor capability.
capability - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
The required Capability.
Capability - Class in org.melati.poem
The quality of being able to perform an action.
Capability() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Capability
Constructor for a Persistent Capability object.
Capability(String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Capability
Constructor for a Persistent Capability object.
capability - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
capability - The capability
CapabilityBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Capability Object.
CapabilityBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
CapabilityTable - Class in org.melati.poem
The Table of Capabilitys.
CapabilityTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CapabilityTable
CapabilityTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table Capability.
CapabilityTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
capitalised(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Capitalise the first character of the input string.
caseInsensitiveRegExpSQL(String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
This is the Postgresql syntax.
caseInsensitiveRegExpSQL(String, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate the variety of ways of ignoring case.
caseInsensitiveRegExpSQL(String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
Note that this is NOT case insensitive.
caseInsensitiveRegExpSQL(String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
This is the Postgresql syntax.
caseInsensitiveRegExpSQL(String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
This is the Postgresql syntax.
caseInsensitiveRegExpSQL(String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
This is the Postgresql syntax.
category - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
category - Which category the table falls into
ClassUtils - Class in org.melati.poem.util
clear - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
Clear (make null) field in referring object.
clear() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
clearColumnInfoCaches() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Clear caches.
clearColumnInfoCaches() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Clear caches.
clone() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
clone() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
clone() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
close(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTransaction
Close the transaction, committing or rolling back, notifying the database that we are closed.
close() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
Close all objects on list.
close() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList.Closeable
Free any resources and prepare for death or reuse.
cnfWhereClause(Enumeration) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
cnfWhereClause(Enumeration, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Return a Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) where clause.
cnfWhereClause(Enumeration<Persistent>) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
cnfWhereClause(Enumeration<Persistent>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Return a Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) where clause.
Column - Class in org.melati.poem
Abstract Table column which is extended by the generated classes.
Column(Table, String, SQLPoemType, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Column
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.Column.SettingException
The Column setting which caused the problem.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ColumnInUsePoemException
The Column being defined a second time.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
The Column we are dealing with.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateColumnNamePoemException
The Column we are dealing with.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException
The Column we are dealing with.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException
The Column we are dealing with.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.FieldAccessPoemException
The Column we are dealing with.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.FieldContentsPoemException
The Column we are dealing with.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.IndexUniquenessPoemException
The Column we are dealing with.
column - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TypeDefinitionMismatchException
Column in which problem occurred.
column - Variable in class org.melati.poem.UnindexableLogEvent
The Column we are dealing with.
Column.LoadException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when any unforeseen problem arises loading a Column.
Column.LoadException(Column, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.Column.LoadException
Column.SettingException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when any unforseen problem arises setting the value of a Column.
Column.SettingException(Persistent, Column, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.Column.SettingException
columnDesc - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.Column.SettingException
The description of the Column.
ColumnInfo - Class in org.melati.poem
All the data defining a Column; actually a Persistent from the ColumnInfoTable.
ColumnInfo() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.ColumnInfo
ColumnInfoBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent ColumnInfo Object.
ColumnInfoBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
ColumnInfoTable - Class in org.melati.poem
A Table which holds information about all Columns in a Database.
ColumnInfoTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.ColumnInfoTable
ColumnInfoTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table ColumnInfo.
ColumnInfoTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
ColumnInUsePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
In the unexpected event that a Column is being defined twice.
ColumnInUsePoemException(Table, Column) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ColumnInUsePoemException
columnName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ColumnRenamePoemException
The current name of the Column.
columnName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.UnsupportedTypePoemException
The column name.
ColumnRenamePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Column renaming is not supported by Postgresql.
ColumnRenamePoemException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ColumnRenamePoemException
ColumnRenamePoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ColumnRenamePoemException
columns - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
columns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
columns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
All the table's columns.
columns() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
All the table's columns.
columnsInUploadOrder - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
ColumnTypePoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A metadata type which defines the type of another Column.
ColumnTypePoemType(Database) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
Constructor for a non nullable column type.
columnWithColumnInfoID(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
columnWithColumnInfoID(int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
commit(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Previously deletion was treated as non-rollbackable, as deleteAndCommit was the only deletion mechanism.
commit() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Commit to the underlying DBMS.
commit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
Finish up, for example write to database.
commit(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
CommitFailedPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a commit fails.
CommitFailedPoemException(SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.CommitFailedPoemException
CommitLogEvent - Class in org.melati.poem
A record of a committed transaction.
CommitLogEvent(PoemTransaction) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.CommitLogEvent
comparator() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableSortedMap
We use native ordering.
compute() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
concatenated(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayUtils
Create a new Array from two Arrays.
concatenated(String, Enumeration<?>) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.EnumUtils
Concatenate an Enumeration, specifying the separator.
concatenated(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Concatenate an array of Strings with a separator.
connect(String, String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Connect to an RDBMS database.
ConnectionFailurePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem.dbms
Thrown if there is a problem connecting to the underlying database.
ConnectionFailurePoemException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.dbms.ConnectionFailurePoemException
ConnectionPendingException - Exception in org.melati.poem
ConnectionPendingException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ConnectionPendingException
ConnectionPendingException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ConnectionPendingException
ConnectionPendingException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ConnectionPendingException
ConnectionPendingException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ConnectionPendingException
ConsEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An implementation of the Lisp cons function on enumerations ie it allows you to add an object to the front of an Enumeration.
ConsEnumeration(T, Enumeration<T>) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.ConsEnumeration
Constructor with head and tail.
contains(Object[], Object) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayUtils
Whether an Array contains an Object.
contains(Enumeration<?>, Object) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.EnumUtils
Whether the Enumeration contain an Object.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Converts a possibly null low-level representation of a database column value to its canonical form.
cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Create an Object from a raw Object, a no-op for all but ReferencePoemTypes.
count() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedCount
count() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedSelection
count() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
count(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
count(String, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
count(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
count() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
count() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
count() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
count(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
count(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
count(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
count() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
countMatchSQL(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Return a SELECT query to count rows matching criteria represented by this object.
countSQL(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
countSQL(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Return an SQL statement to count rows put together from the arguments.
countSQL(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
countSQL(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Return an SQL statement to count rows put together from the arguments.
create(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Write a new row containing the given object.
create(Initialiser) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Create a new object (record) in the table.
create(Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Write a new row containing the given object.
create(Initialiser) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Create a new object (record) in the table.
createTableInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Create the (possibly overridden) TableInfo if it has not yet been created.
createTableInfo() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Create the (possibly overridden) TableInfo if it has not yet been created.
createTableOptionsSql() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate MySQL table creation options.
createTableOptionsSql() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate MySQL table creation options.
createTableOptionsSql() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Accomodate MySQL table creation options.
createTableSql(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
createTableSql(Table) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
createTableTypeQualifierSql(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Allow Hsqldb to have a different create table syntax.
createTableTypeQualifierSql(Table) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Allow Hsqldb to have a different create table syntax.
createTableTypeQualifierSql(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
The default is to keep everything in memory, this allows for the db to be written to the disk.
createTableTypeQualifierSql(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.HsqldbText
The default is to keep everything in memory, this allows for the db to be written to the disk.
CreationAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when unauthorised creation of a new object is attempted.
CreationAccessPoemException(Table, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.CreationAccessPoemException
CrossTransactionCommitException - Exception in org.melati.poem.transaction
Thrown should there be an attempt within one Transactioned Transaction to commit changes made in another.
CrossTransactionCommitException(Transactioned) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.transaction.CrossTransactionCommitException
Constructor taking a Transactioned object.
CSVColumn - Class in org.melati.poem.csv
A bridging object which is both a column in a CSV file and a column in a POEM database.
CSVColumn(String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVColumn
Simplest case constructor.
CSVColumn(String, CSVTable) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVColumn
Constructor for a key value into another table.
CSVColumn(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVColumn
Constructor for a key value into another table.
CSVField - Class in org.melati.poem.csv
A field within a record of a CSV file.
CSVField(CSVColumn, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVField
CSVFileParser - Class in org.melati.poem.csv
A utility for tokenising a file made up of comma-separated variables.
CSVFileParser(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFileParser
CSVFilesProcessor - Class in org.melati.poem.csv
A class to define a sequence of CSVTables and process them by parsing the files and writing the data to the database.
CSVFilesProcessor(Database) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFilesProcessor
CSVParseException - Exception in org.melati.poem.csv
An error in parsing a CSV line.
CSVParseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.csv.CSVParseException
CSVPrimaryKeyColumnAlreadySetException - Exception in org.melati.poem.csv
Thrown when an attempt to set a second field as a primary key is made.
CSVPrimaryKeyColumnAlreadySetException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.csv.CSVPrimaryKeyColumnAlreadySetException
CSVRecord - Class in org.melati.poem.csv
A record within a CSV File.
CSVRecord(Table) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVRecord
CSVTable - Class in org.melati.poem.csv
A representation of a CSV file as a POEM Table.
CSVTable(Table, File) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
CSVWriteDownException - Exception in org.melati.poem.csv
Thrown when there is an error writing a CSV value to the database.
CSVWriteDownException(String, int, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.csv.CSVWriteDownException
Report an error on a line.
current(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionedSerial
Readlock and return the serial for the given Transaction.


data - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Database - Class in org.melati.poem
An RDBMS database.
Database() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Database
Don't subclass this, subclass PoemDatabase.
database - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTableNamePoemException
The Database we are dealing with.
database - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchTablePoemException
The Database we are dealing with.
database() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Retrieve the Database associated with this thread.
database - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TableInUsePoemException
The Database we are dealing with.
database - Variable in class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery
Database.ConnectingException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a request is made whilst the connection to the underlying database is still in progress.
Database.ConnectingException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.Database.ConnectingException
DatabaseInitialisationPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
DatabaseInitialisationPoemException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DatabaseInitialisationPoemException
DatabaseInitialisationPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DatabaseInitialisationPoemException
DatabaseInitialisationPoemException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DatabaseInitialisationPoemException
DatabaseInitialisationPoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DatabaseInitialisationPoemException
DATE - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Date base-type factory.
dateFormat(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
DatePoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A type for Normal dates.
DatePoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
DatePoemType(int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
dbAddConstraints() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Constraints are not used in POEM, but you might want to use them if exporting the db or using schema visualisation tools.
dbAddConstraints() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Constraints are not used in POEM, but you might want to use them if exporting the db or using schema visualisation tools.
DBConsistencyPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Those thrown when the database becomes inconsistent.
DBConsistencyPoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DBConsistencyPoemException
DBConsistencyPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DBConsistencyPoemException
dbModifyStructure(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Use this for DDL statements, ie those which alter the structure of the db.
dbModifyStructure(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Use this for DDL statements, ie those which alter the structure of the db.
Dbms - Interface in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Database Management System.
DbmsFactory - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A factory class to create Dbms objects.
dbTypeName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.UnsupportedTypePoemException
The Database type code.
DebugMckoiConnection - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
defaultCacheLimit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
defaultCacheLimit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
defaultCacheLimit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
defaultCacheLimit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
defaultCacheLimit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
defaultcandelete - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Default `delete' capability - The capability required, by default, for deleting the table's records
defaultcanread - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Default `read' capability - The capability required, by default, for reading the table's records
defaultcanwrite - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Default `write' capability - The capability required, by default, for updating the table's records
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
defaultCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
defaultDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The `factory-default' description for the table, or null if it doesn't have one.
defaultDisplayLevel() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
defaultDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The `factory-default' display name for the table.
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
defaultDisplayOrder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
defaultDisplayOrderPriority() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultHeight() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultIndexed() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultIntegrityFix() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultOrderByClause() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
If the troidColumn has yet to be set then returns an empty string.
defaultOrderByClause() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
If the troidColumn has yet to be set then returns an empty string.
defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
The simplest POEM type corresponding to a JDBC description from the database.
defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
The simplest POEM type corresponding to a JDBC description from the database.
defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
The simplest POEM type corresponding to a JDBC description from the database.
defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
The simplest POEM type corresponding to a JDBC description from the database.
defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
The simplest POEM type corresponding to a JDBC description from the database.
defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
The simplest POEM type corresponding to a JDBC description from the database.
defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Postgresql
The simplest POEM type corresponding to a JDBC description from the database.
defaultPoemTypeOfColumnMetaData(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
The simplest POEM type corresponding to a JDBC description from the database.
defaultPrecision() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultRememberAllTroids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
defaultRememberAllTroids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
defaultRememberAllTroids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
defaultRememberAllTroids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
defaultRememberAllTroids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
defaultRememberAllTroids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
defaultRememberAllTroids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
defaultRememberAllTroids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
defaultRenderinfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultScale() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultSearchability() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultSortDescending() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultTableInfoFor(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableInfoTable
Create a TableInfo of the correct type for our DB.
defaultUnique() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultUserCreateable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultUserEditable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
defaultWidth() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
define() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Process the first line to define columns.
defineColumn(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Don't call this in your application code.
defineColumn(Column) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Don't call this in your application code.
defineTable(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Don't call this.
DefinitionSource - Class in org.melati.poem
A possible origin for metadata for a Field, Column or Table.
DefinitionSource(Object) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.DefinitionSource
delete(Map<Column, IntegrityFix>) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Delete the object.
delete() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Delete this persistent, with default integrity checks, ie disallow deletion if object referred to by others.
delete(Integer, PoemTransaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The Transaction cannot be null, as this is trapped in #deleteLock(SessionToken).
delete(Map<Column, IntegrityFix>) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Delete the object.
delete() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Delete this persistent, with default integrity checks, ie disallow deletion if object referred to by others.
delete - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
Delete referred objects.
delete(Integer, PoemTransaction) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The Transaction cannot be null, as this is trapped in #deleteLock(SessionToken).
delete(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Remove from cache.
delete_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Delete without access checks.
delete_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
delete_unsafe() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Delete without access checks.
delete_unsafe(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
deleteAndCommit(Map<Column, IntegrityFix>) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Delete the object, with even more safety checks for referential integrity.
deleteAndCommit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Convenience method with default integrity fix.
deleteAndCommit(Map<Column, IntegrityFix>) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Delete the object, with even more safety checks for referential integrity.
deleteAndCommit() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Convenience method with default integrity fix.
deleteColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
deleteColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
DELETED - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Deleted column factory.
deletedColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
deletedColumn() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
DeletedPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A DeletedField is a flag field in a record which marks the whole record as deleted.
DeletedPoemType() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.DeletedPoemType
Non-nullable constructor.
deleteLock(SessionToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
DeletePersistentAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised delete of a Persistent is attempted.
DeletePersistentAccessPoemException(Persistent, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DeletePersistentAccessPoemException
deleteTableAndCommit(TableInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
DeletionIntegrityPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt is made to delete a Persistent which is referred to by others and where the IntegrityFix is prevent.
DeletionIntegrityPoemException(Persistent, Enumeration) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DeletionIntegrityPoemException
description - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
description - A brief description of the table's function
description - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
description - A brief description of the field's function
detail - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
Display level of Columns included in a detailed display of a single record.
DictionaryOrder - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An ordering using String.compareTo.
DictionaryOrder() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.DictionaryOrder
disconnect() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Releases database connections.
disconnectDatabase(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory
Disconnect and disconnect from a known database.
disconnectFromDatabases() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory
Disconnect from all initialised databases.
displayColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The table's primary display column, the Troid column if not set.
displayColumn() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The table's primary display column, the Troid column if not set.
displayColumns(DisplayLevel) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Return columns at a display level in display order.
displayColumns(DisplayLevel) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Return columns at a display level in display order.
displayColumnsCount(DisplayLevel) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
displayColumnsCount(DisplayLevel) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
DisplayLevel - Class in org.melati.poem
An attribute of a Column which indicates what level of reporting of a Table it should be included in.
displaylevel - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Display level - A category determining what granularity of report the field appears in
DISPLAYLEVEL - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Poem Displaylevel factory.
DisplayLevel.NameUnrecognisedException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a DisplayLevel which doesn't exist is referenced, by misspelling for example.
DisplayLevel.NameUnrecognisedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel.NameUnrecognisedException
DisplayLevelPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A type for DisplayLevels.
DisplayLevelPoemType() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
Constructor giving non nullable type.
displayname - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Display name - A user-friendly name for the table
displayname - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Display name - A user-friendly name for the field
displayorder - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Display order - A rank determining where the field appears in lists
displayorder - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Display order - A rank determining where the table appears in the list of all tables
displayorderpriority - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Display order priority - If present, the level at which lists of records are sorted by the field
displayString(PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
A string describing the object for the purposes of rendering it in lists presented to the user.
displayString(PoemLocale) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Defaults to DateFormat.MEDIUM.
displayString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
displayString(PoemLocale, int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
A string describing the object for the purposes of rendering it in lists presented to the user.
displayString(PoemLocale) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Defaults to DateFormat.MEDIUM.
displayString() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Double base-type factory.
DoubleCreatePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt to create a Persistent which already exists is made.
DoubleCreatePoemException(Persistent) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DoubleCreatePoemException
DoublePoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
Normal doubles, dependant upon the database/SQL implementation.
DoublePoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
dsd - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DefinitionSource
The DSD.
dump() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Print information about the structure of the Column to stdout.
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Print information to PrintStream.
dump() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Print information about the structure of the database to stdout.
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Dump to a PrintStream.
dump() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Dump to a PrintStream.
dump() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Print information about the structure of the table to stdout.
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Print information to PrintStream.
dump() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
dump(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Dump to a PrintStream.
dump() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Print information about the structure of the table to stdout.
dump(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Print information to PrintStream.
dump() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Output to syserr.
dumpAnalysis() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Dump to Syserr.
dumpCacheAnalysis() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Print some diagnostic information about the contents and consistency of POEM's cache to stderr.
dumpCacheAnalysis() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Print some diagnostic information about the contents and consistency of POEM's cache for this table to stderr.
dumpCacheAnalysis() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Print some diagnostic information about the contents and consistency of POEM's cache for this table to stderr.
DuplicateColumnNamePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt to create a Column in a Table which already contains one of that name is made.
DuplicateColumnNamePoemException(Table, Column) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateColumnNamePoemException
duplicated() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Create a new object like this one.
duplicated() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Create a new object like this one.
DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt to create a second Column of type DeletedPoemType in a Table is made.
DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException(Table, Column) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException
duplicatedFloating() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Create a new persistent like this one, regardless of whether this Persistent has been written to the dbms yet.
duplicatedFloating() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Create a new persistent like this one, regardless of whether this Persistent has been written to the dbms yet.
DuplicateKeySQLPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem.dbms
Thrown when an attempt to insert a value which is already present in a column with a unique index is made.
DuplicateKeySQLPoemException(Table, String, boolean, SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
DuplicateKeySQLPoemException(Column, String, boolean, SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
DuplicateTableNamePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt to add a Table to a Database which already has one of that name.
DuplicateTableNamePoemException(Database, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTableNamePoemException
DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt to add a second Troid column is made.
DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException(Table, Column) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException
DuplicateTroidPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when it is discovered that there is more than one record with a given Troid in the Database.
DuplicateTroidPoemException(Table, Integer) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTroidPoemException


elements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.FieldSet
elements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
EmptyEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration with no elements in it.
EmptyEnumeration() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.EmptyEnumeration
emptyTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Delete all Persistents from the Poem table.
endExclusiveLock() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Release lock.
endSession() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
End a db session.
ensure(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.CapabilityTable
Make sure that a record exists.
ensure(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Ensures a row exists for which this column matches when compared with the given Persistent.
ensure(Group, Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.GroupCapabilityTable
Make sure that a record exists.
ensure(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.GroupTable
Make sure that a record exists.
ensure(String, PoemTypeFactory, Object, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SettingTable
Make sure that a setting with this name exists, if not then create it.
ensure(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SettingTable
Convenience method.
ensure(String, int, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SettingTable
Convenience method.
ensure(String, boolean, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SettingTable
Convenience method.
ensure(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableCategoryTable
Create an entry with the given name if it doesn't exist.
entrySet() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
EnumUtils - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An assortment of useful operations on Enumerations.
eqClause(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
equals(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
equals(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Make sure that two equal table objects have the same name.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
exceptionForUpdate(Table, String, boolean, SQLException) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
An exception appropriate for expressing what really went wrong during a write to the db.
exceptionForUpdate(Table, PreparedStatement, boolean, SQLException) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Version of previous method for PreparedStatements.
exceptionForUpdate(Table, String, boolean, SQLException) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
An exception appropriate for expressing what really went wrong during a write to the db.
exceptionForUpdate(Table, PreparedStatement, boolean, SQLException) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Version of previous method for PreparedStatements.
exceptionForUpdate(Table, String, boolean, SQLException) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
An exception appropriate for expressing what really went wrong during a write to the db.
exceptionForUpdate(Table, String, boolean, SQLException) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Postgresql
An exception appropriate for expressing what really went wrong during a write to the db.
ExecutingSQLPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is a problem executing an SQL command.
ExecutingSQLPoemException(String, SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ExecutingSQLPoemException
ExecutingSQLSeriousPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is a problem exceuting an SQL command and it really matters.
ExecutingSQLSeriousPoemException(String, SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ExecutingSQLSeriousPoemException
existenceLock(SessionToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
existenceLock() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Lock without actually reading.
existenceLock() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Lock without actually reading.
exists() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedExists
exists(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
exists(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
exists(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
exists(Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
ExtraColumn - Class in org.melati.poem
A Column which exists in the dbms but is not defined in the DSD.
ExtraColumn(Table, String, SQLPoemType, DefinitionSource, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
extract(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
extrasCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The number of `extra' (non-DSD-defined) columns in the table.
extrasCount() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The number of `extra' (non-DSD-defined) columns in the table.


Field - Class in org.melati.poem
A Field.
Field(Object, FieldAttributes) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Field
Field(AccessPoemException, FieldAttributes) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Field
Constructor for a Field with an access violation.
FieldAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised access of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
FieldAccessPoemException(Persistent, Column, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.FieldAccessPoemException
FieldAttributes - Interface in org.melati.poem
An interface which defines attributes of all Fields.
fieldAttributesRenamedAs(FieldAttributes) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ValueInfo
FieldContentsPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a Field fails its content validation.
FieldContentsPoemException(Column, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.FieldContentsPoemException
FieldSet - Class in org.melati.poem
A set of Fields accessible in sequence or looked up using an encoding of the table name and column name.
FieldSet(Hashtable<String, Integer>, Field[]) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.FieldSet
fieldsOfColumns(Enumeration<Column>) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Create Fields from Columns.
fieldsOfColumns(Enumeration<Column>) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Create Fields from Columns.
FilteredEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration created by filtering another according to an abstract inclusion function.
FilteredEnumeration(Enumeration<T>) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.FilteredEnumeration
firstFree(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Find the next free value in an Integer column.
firstKey() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableSortedMap
firstObject() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedSelection
firstSelection(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Get an object satisfying the where clause.
firstSelection(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Get an object satisfying the where clause.
FirstSQL - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for FirstSQL ( NOT WORKING YET!!!).
FirstSQL() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.FirstSQL
firstWhereEq(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Return the first one found or null if not found.
FixedPointAtomPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
An extension of AtomPoemType which adds precision and scale.
FixedPointAtomPoemType(int, String, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.FixedPointAtomPoemType
FlattenedEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration created by flattening an Enumeration of Enumerations or flattening two Enumerations .
FlattenedEnumeration(Enumeration<Enumeration<T>>) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.FlattenedEnumeration
FlattenedEnumeration(Enumeration<T>, Enumeration<T>) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.FlattenedEnumeration
Constructor given two Enumerations to flatten into one.
floating - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.InvalidOperationOnFloatingPersistentPoemException
The Persistent without a TROID.
forCode(Database, int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Returns an instance given a database and the integer code for the instance.
forIndex(int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
Get by numeric id.
forIndex(int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
forIndex(int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
Get a fix by its index.
format - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
Simple date format.
from(Table, ColumnInfo, int, DefinitionSource) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
Static factory.
from(Persistent, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PersistentFactory
Reincarnate an object, populated from the store.
from(Locale) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
fromClass(Database, Class) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.TableFactory
fromClause() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Return an SQL FROM clause for use when selecting rows using criteria represented by this object.
fromInstance(Database, Object) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PersistentFactory
fromInstance(Database, Object) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.TableFactory
fromLanguageTag(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
Creates a melati locale from a language tag as defined in RFC3066.
fullQuotedName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column


get(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.CapabilityTable
Retrieve a Capability by name.
get(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.FieldSet
Return a specified field.
get(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
Get either from cache or, failing that, really get it.
get(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SettingTable
Get the String representation of the setting.
get(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
get(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Return an object from the Cache, null if not found.
get(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.CachedIndexFactory
Get either from cache or, failing that, really get it.
get(int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.util.IndexFactory
getActionDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.AccessibleCreationException
getActionDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
getActionDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.FieldAccessPoemException
getActionDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PersistentAccessPoemException
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Interbase
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Ignores size.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Postgresql
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBinarySqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accomodate different treatment of different sized binary data.
getBlockedOn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
getBooleanCooked() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
getCacheInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Enable reporting of the status of the cache.
getCacheInfo() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getCachelimit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Cachelimit value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getCachelimit_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Cachelimit value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getCachelimitColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Cachelimit Column for this TableInfo Table.
getCachelimitField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Cachelimit value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getCanAdminister() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
By default, anyone can administer a database.
getCancreate() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Cancreate object referred to.
getCanCreate() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The capability required for creating records in the table.
getCanCreate() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The capability required for creating records in the table.
getCancreate_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Cancreate value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getCancreateColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Cancreate Column for this TableInfo Table.
getCancreateField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Cancreate value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getCancreateTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getCanDelete() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The capability required for deleting the object.
getCanRead() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The capability required for reading the object's field values.
getCanSelect() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The capability required to select the object.
getCanWrite() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The capability required for writing the object's field values.
getCapability() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Capability object referred to.
getCapability_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Capability value, without locking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
getCapabilityColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
Retrieves the Capability Column for this GroupCapability Table.
getCapabilityField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Capability value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
getCapabilityObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
Retrieve the Capability as a Capability.
getCapabilityObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
Retrieve the Capability as a Capability.
getCapabilityTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
The table of capabilities (required for reading and/or writing records) defined for the database.
getCapabilityTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Retrieves the CapabilityTable table which this Persistent is from.
getCapabilityTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the CapabilityTable table.
getCapabilityTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the CapabilityTable table.
getCapabilityTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Category object referred to.
getCategory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The category of this table.
getCategory() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The category of this table.
getCategory_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Category value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getCategoryColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Category Column for this TableInfo Table.
getCategoryField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Category value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getCategoryTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getChildren() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
getChildren() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Treeable
getCode() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
getColumn() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.Column.LoadException
getColumn() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
getColumn(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The table's column with a given name.
getColumn(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The table's column with a given name.
getColumnInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getColumnInfoObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieve the ColumnInfo as a ColumnInfo.
getColumnInfoObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieve the ColumnInfo as a ColumnInfo.
getColumnInfoTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getColumnInfoTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the ColumnInfoTable table which this Persistent is from.
getColumnInfoTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the ColumnInfoTable table.
getColumnInfoTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the ColumnInfoTable table.
getColumnsCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getColumnsCount() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getCommittedConnection() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getConnection(String, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
The default windows installation of MySQL has autocommit set true, which throws an SQLException when one issues a commit.
getConnection(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Return a connection.
getConnection(String, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.FirstSQL
It does the same error, even if we don't override it so using AnsiStandard.getConnection(...).
getCooked(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Retrieves the field value, with locking and access control for this Column.
getCooked(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
Retrieves the field value, with locking and access control for this Column.
getCooked() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getCooked(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The `true value' of one of the object's fields.
getCooked(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
The `true value' of one of the object's fields.
getCooked() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
getCooked(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SettingTable
Get an object of the appropriate type by name.
getCookedString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getCookedString(PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getCookedString(String, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
A string representation of the `true value' of one of the object's fields.
getCookedString(String, PoemLocale, int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
A string representation of the `true value' of one of the object's fields.
getCoreMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
getDatabase() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getDatabase() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
getDatabase() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The database to which the table is attached.
getDatabase() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
getDatabase(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory
Retrieve a database by name.
getDatabase(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory
Return a database from the cache or create it.
getDatabase() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTransaction
getDatabase() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The database to which the table is attached.
getDbms() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getDbms(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.DbmsFactory
Return a Dbms object given its class name as a String.
getDbmsTableType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getDbmsTableType() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getDefaultcandelete() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcandelete object referred to.
getDefaultCanDelete() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The capability required for deleting records in the table, unless overridden in the record itself.
getDefaultCanDelete() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The capability required for deleting records in the table, unless overridden in the record itself.
getDefaultcandelete_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcandelete value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDefaultcandeleteColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Defaultcandelete Column for this TableInfo Table.
getDefaultcandeleteField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcandelete value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getDefaultcandeleteTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getDefaultcanread() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcanread object referred to.
getDefaultCanRead() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The capability required for reading records from the table, unless overridden in the record itself.
getDefaultCanRead() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The capability required for reading records from the table, unless overridden in the record itself.
getDefaultcanread_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcanread value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDefaultcanreadColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Defaultcanread Column for this TableInfo Table.
getDefaultcanreadField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcanread value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getDefaultcanreadTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getDefaultcanwrite() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcanwrite object referred to.
getDefaultCanWrite() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The capability required for updating records in the table, unless overridden in the record itself.
getDefaultCanWrite() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The capability required for updating records in the table, unless overridden in the record itself.
getDefaultcanwrite_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcanwrite value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDefaultcanwriteColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Defaultcanwrite Column for this TableInfo Table.
getDefaultcanwriteField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Defaultcanwrite value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getDefaultcanwriteTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getDescription() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Description value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Description value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A brief description of the table's function.
getDescription() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
getDescription() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A brief description of the table's function.
getDescription_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Description value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDescription_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Description value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getDescriptionColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Description Column for this TableInfo Table.
getDescriptionColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Description Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getDescriptionField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Description value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getDescriptionField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Description value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getDetailDisplayColumns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The table's columns for detailed display in display order.
getDetailDisplayColumns() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The table's columns for detailed display in display order.
getDetailDisplayColumnsCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getDetailDisplayColumnsCount() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getDetailDisplayFields() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
All fields at the detailed display level in display order.
getDetailDisplayFields() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
All fields at the detailed display level in display order.
getDisplayLevel() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getDisplaylevel() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displaylevel value of this Persistent.
getDisplaylevel_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displaylevel value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getDisplaylevelColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Displaylevel Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getDisplaylevelField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displaylevel value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getDisplaylevelIndex() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displaylevel index value of this Persistent.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Return a human readable name from the metadata.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getDisplayname() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayname value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDisplayname() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayname value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The human-readable name of the table.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The human-readable name of the table.
getDisplayname_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayname value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDisplayname_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayname value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getDisplaynameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Displayname Column for this TableInfo Table.
getDisplaynameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Displayname Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getDisplaynameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayname value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getDisplaynameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayname value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getDisplayorder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorder value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getDisplayorder() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorder value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDisplayorder_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorder value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getDisplayorder_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorder value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getDisplayorderColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Displayorder Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getDisplayorderColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Displayorder Column for this TableInfo Table.
getDisplayorderField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorder value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getDisplayorderField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorder value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getDisplayOrderPriority() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getDisplayorderpriority() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorderpriority value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getDisplayorderpriority_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorderpriority value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getDisplayorderpriorityColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Displayorderpriority Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getDisplayorderpriorityField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Displayorderpriority value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getDisplayTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
All the tables in the database in DisplayOrder order, using current transaction if there is one.
getDisplayTables(PoemTransaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Currently all the tables in the database in DisplayOrder order.
getDriverClassName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
getDriverLoaded() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
getDroppedElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache.Info
getDsdName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Public method used in DSD.wm.
getDsdName() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Public method used in DSD.wm.
getDsdQualifiers() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnInfo
Only those fields which are relevant to this column and legal as a field qualifier in the DSD.
getField(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The value of one of the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering it.
getField(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
The value of one of the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering it.
getFields() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVRecord
getFields() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The values of all the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
getFields() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
The values of all the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
getFirst1000Possibilities() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Return a limited enumeration of possibilities.
getFixedPtSqlDefinition(int, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate differing Fixed Point notations.
getFixedPtSqlDefinition(int, int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate differing Fixed Point notations.
getFixedPtSqlDefinition(int, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Cludge? Accomodate differing Fixed Point notations.
getForeignKeyDefinition(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
If Foreign key definitions are part of field definitions, otherwise blank (silently unsupported).
getForeignKeyDefinition(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
If Foreign key definitions are part of field definitions, otherwise blank (silently unsupported).
getForeignKeyDefinition(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
If Foreign key definitions are part of field definitions, otherwise blank (silently unsupported).
getForeignKeyDefinition(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
If Foreign key definitions are part of field definitions, otherwise blank (silently unsupported).
getForeignKeyDefinition(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Slightly different - embrace and extend.
getFreeTransactionsCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getFreeTransactionsCount() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionPool
getGroup() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Group object referred to.
getGroup() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Group object referred to.
getGroup_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Group value, without locking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
getGroup_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Group value, without locking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
getGroupCapabilityObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
Retrieve the GroupCapability as a GroupCapability.
getGroupCapabilityObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
Retrieve the GroupCapability as a GroupCapability.
getGroupCapabilityTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
The table containing group-capability records.
getGroupCapabilityTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the GroupCapabilityTable table which this Persistent is from.
getGroupCapabilityTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the GroupCapabilityTable table.
getGroupCapabilityTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the GroupCapabilityTable table.
getGroupColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
Retrieves the Group Column for this GroupCapability Table.
getGroupColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
Retrieves the Group Column for this GroupMembership Table.
getGroupField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Group value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
getGroupField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Group value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
getGroupMembershipObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
Retrieve the GroupMembership as a GroupMembership.
getGroupMembershipObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
Retrieve the GroupMembership as a GroupMembership.
getGroupMembershipTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
A user is a member of a group iff there is a record in this table to say so.
getGroupMembershipTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the GroupMembershipTable table which this Persistent is from.
getGroupMembershipTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the GroupMembershipTable table.
getGroupMembershipTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the GroupMembershipTable table.
getGroupObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
Retrieve the Group as a Group.
getGroupObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
Retrieve the Group as a Group.
getGroupTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getGroupTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Retrieves the GroupTable table which this Persistent is from.
getGroupTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the GroupTable table.
getGroupTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the GroupTable table.
getGroupTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getGroupTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getHeight() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getHeight() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getHeight() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getHeight() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getHeight() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Height value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getHeight_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Height value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getHeightColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Height Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getHeightField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Height value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getHeldElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache.Info
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Capability Persistent.
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Group Persistent.
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Setting Persistent.
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getId() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this User Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this Capability Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this Group Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this Setting Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getId_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Id value, without locking, for this User Persistent.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this Capability Table.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this GroupCapability Table.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this GroupMembership Table.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this Group Table.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this Setting Table.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this TableCategory Table.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this TableInfo Table.
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
Retrieves the Id Column for this User Table.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Capability Persistent.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Group Persistent.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this TableCategory Persistent.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getIdField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this User Persistent.
getIndex() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
getIndex() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
getIndex() - Method in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
getIndexed() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getIndexed() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getIndexed() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getIndexed() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getIndexed() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Indexed value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getIndexed_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Indexed value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getIndexedColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Indexed Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getIndexedField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Indexed value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getIndexLength(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
MySQL requires a length argument when creating an index on a BLOB or TEXT column.
getIndexLength(Column) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate DBMS which require a length for BLOBS.
getIndexLength(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
MySQL requires TEXT and BLOB field indices to have an explicit length, 30 should be fine.
getInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getInfo() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
getInitialisedDatabaseNames() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory
Retrieve the names of the databases which have completed initialisation.
getIntegerCooked() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
getIntegrityFix() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Get the IntegrityFix, if any.
getIntegrityfix() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Integrityfix value of this Persistent.
getIntegrityfix_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Integrityfix value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getIntegrityfixColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Integrityfix Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getIntegrityfixField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Integrityfix value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getIntegrityfixIndex() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Integrityfix index value of this Persistent.
getJdbcMetadataName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Some DBMSen (HSQLDB) use canonical uppercased names in the metadata but not in normal use.
getJdbcMetadataName(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Some DBMSen (HSQLDB) use canonical uppercased names in the metadata but not in normal use.
getJdbcMetadataName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
Bad smell.
getLastQuery() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getLimitRaw() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
getLineNo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFileParser
Return the line number.
getLineNo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVRecord
getLogin() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Login value, with locking, for this User Persistent.
getLogin_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Login value, without locking, for this User Persistent.
getLoginColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
Retrieves the Login Column for this User Table.
getLoginField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Login value as a Field from this User Persistent.
getLongSqlDefinition() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate Long / Bigint deviants.
getLongSqlDefinition() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate Long / Bigint deviants.
getLongSqlDefinition() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
Accomodate Long / Bigint deviants.
getLongSqlDefinition() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Accomodate Long / Bigint deviants.
getLongSqlDefinition() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Accomodate Long / Bigint deviants.
getLongSqlDefinition() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accomodate Long / Bigint deviants.
getLowRaw() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.AccessibleCreationException
The detail message which may be null.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.AlreadyInSessionPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.BinaryLengthValidationPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.Column.LoadException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.Column.SettingException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.ColumnInUsePoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.ColumnRenamePoemException
The detail message which may be null.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.CreationAccessPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.csv.CSVPrimaryKeyColumnAlreadySetException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.csv.CSVWriteDownException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.csv.NoPrimaryKeyInCSVTableException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.Database.ConnectingException
The detail message which may be null.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.DatabaseInitialisationPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.ConnectionFailurePoemException
The detail message which may be null.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.UnsupportedTypePoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel.NameUnrecognisedException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.DoubleCreatePoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateColumnNamePoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.ExecutingSQLPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.ExecutingSQLSeriousPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.FieldContentsPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.IndexUniquenessPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.InitialisationPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.InvalidOperationOnFloatingPersistentPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.NoMoreTransactionsException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.NonRootSetAccessTokenPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchColumnPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchRowPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchTablePoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.NotComparablePoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.NoTroidColumnException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.NullTypeMismatchPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.OutsideRangePoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.ParsingPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
The detail message which may be null.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PreparedSQLSeriousPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.RowDisappearedPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.Searchability.NameUnrecognisedException
The detail message which may be null.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.Setting.SettingTypeMismatchException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.Setting.SettingValidationException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.SettingTable.UnsetException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.SQLPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.SQLSeriousPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix.NameUnrecognisedException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.StringLengthValidationPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.StructuralModificationFailedPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.TableMismatchPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.TableRenamePoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.transaction.CrossTransactionCommitException
The detail message.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.transaction.WriteCommittedException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.TypeDefinitionMismatchException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.TypeMismatchPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.UnexpectedExceptionPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.UnificationPoemException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.util.Cache.InconsistencyException
The detail message which may be null.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.ValidationPoemException
getMostRecentTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getMostRecentTroid() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Used in debugging to display name of table being emptied.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getName() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Capability Persistent.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Group Persistent.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Setting Persistent.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this User Persistent.
getName() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.IntegrityFix
Integrity fixes are set in the DSD by name.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
NOTE This will be overridden if the persistent has a field called name.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The table's programmatic name.
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
getName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
getName() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The table's programmatic name.
getName() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Treeable
This should not return null.
getName_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Retrieves the Name value, without locking, for this Capability Persistent.
getName_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Name value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getName_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Retrieves the Name value, without locking, for this Group Persistent.
getName_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Name value, without locking, for this Setting Persistent.
getName_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Retrieves the Name value, without locking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
getName_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Name value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getName_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Name value, without locking, for this User Persistent.
getNameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
Retrieves the Name Column for this Capability Table.
getNameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Name Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getNameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
Retrieves the Name Column for this Group Table.
getNameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
Retrieves the Name Column for this Setting Table.
getNameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
Retrieves the Name Column for this TableCategory Table.
getNameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Name Column for this TableInfo Table.
getNameColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
Retrieves the Name Column for this User Table.
getNameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Capability Persistent.
getNameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getNameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Group Persistent.
getNameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
getNameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this TableCategory Persistent.
getNameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getNameField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this User Persistent.
getNextExtrasIndex() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getNextExtrasIndex() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getNoArgMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ClassUtils
getNullable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Whether the type is nullable.
getNullable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Nullable value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getNullable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Whether the type is nullable.
getNullable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory.Parameter
getNullable_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Nullable value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getNullableColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Nullable Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getNullableField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Nullable value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The object from the table with a given troid.
getObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The object from the table with a given troid.
getObject(Integer) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Selectable
Get an object by its key.
getObject(Integer) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The object from the table with a given troid.
getObject(int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The object from the table with a given troid.
getOneArgumentMethods(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ClassUtils
getOrDie(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SettingTable
Get a set value.
getPassword() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Password value, with locking, for this User Persistent.
getPassword() - Method in class org.melati.poem.User
Will throw a ReadPasswordAccessPoemException unless the access token associated with the running thread is the User object itself or provides the readPasswords capability.
getPassword_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Password value, without locking, for this User Persistent.
getPasswordColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
Retrieves the Password Column for this User Table.
getPasswordField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Password value as a Field from this User Persistent.
getPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVRecord
Retreive the Persistent corresponding to this CSVRecord, if there is one.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Database object.
getPoemDatabaseTables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Get the database tables.
getPoemShutdownThread() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory
getPossibilities() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Might be a bit big for some Reference types.
getPrecision() - Method in class org.melati.poem.FixedPointAtomPoemType
getPrecision() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Precision value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getPrecision_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Precision value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getPrecisionColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Precision Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getPrecisionField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Precision value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getPrimaryDisplayField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
getPrimaryDisplayField() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
getPrimaryKeyDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Return the PRIMARY KEY definition string for this dbms.
getPrimaryKeyDefinition(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Return the PRIMARY KEY definition string for this dbms.
getPrimaryKeyDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Return the PRIMARY KEY definition string for this dbms.
getQueryCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Used in testing to check if the cache is being used or a new query is being issued.
getQuotedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate different quoting strategies.
getQuotedName(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate different quoting strategies.
getQuotedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Interbase
getQuotedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
Accomodate different quoting strategies.
getQuotedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Accomodate different quoting strategies.
getQuotedValue(SQLType, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate different quoting strategies for values.
getQuotedValue(SQLType, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate different quoting strategies for values.
getQuotedValue(SQLType, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accomodate different quoting strategies for values.
getRangelimit_string() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Rangelimit_string value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRangelimit_string_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Rangelimit_string value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRangelimit_stringColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Rangelimit_string Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getRangelimit_stringField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Rangelimit_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRangelimit_stringField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ValueInfo
Retrieves the Rangelimit_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRangelow_string() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Rangelow_string value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRangelow_string_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Rangelow_string value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRangelow_stringColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Rangelow_string Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getRangelow_stringField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Rangelow_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRangelow_stringField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ValueInfo
Retrieves the Rangelow_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Return an object as delivered by the database.
getRaw(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Retrieves the field value, with locking, for this Column.
getRaw(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
Retrieves the field value, with locking, for this Column.
getRaw() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Get the value of the Field.
getRaw(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
getRaw(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
The `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
getRaw() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.SQLType
Return an object as delivered by the database.
getRaw_unsafe(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Retrieves the field value, without locking, for this Column.
getRaw_unsafe(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
Retrieves the field value, without locking, for this Column.
getRawString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Get the value as a String.
getRawString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
A string representation of the `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
getRawString(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
A string representation of the `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
getReadable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
getReadable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
getRecordDisplayColumns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The table's columns designated for display in a record, in display order.
getRecordDisplayColumns() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The table's columns designated for display in a record, in display order.
getRecordDisplayColumnsCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getRecordDisplayColumnsCount() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getRecordDisplayFields() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The values of all the object's fields designated for inclusion in full record displays, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
getRecordDisplayFields() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
The values of all the object's fields designated for inclusion in full record displays, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
getRecordNo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVRecord
getRecordWithID(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Lookup the Persistent corresponding to the CSV record with the given value for the CSV table's primary key.
getRenderInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getRenderInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getRenderInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getRenderInfo() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getRenderinfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Renderinfo value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRenderinfo_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Renderinfo value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getRenderinfoColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Renderinfo Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getRenderinfoField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Renderinfo value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getReport() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Report on the status of the cache.
getReport() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache.Info
getScale() - Method in class org.melati.poem.FixedPointAtomPoemType
getScale() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Scale value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getScale_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Scale value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getScaleColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Scale Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getScaleField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Scale value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getSchema() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
The db schema name to use, if any.
getSchema() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
The db schema name to use, if any.
getSchema() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Get the user we are connected as and return that as the schema.
getSchema() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Get the user we are connected as and return that as the schema.
getSearchability() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getSearchability() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Searchability value of this Persistent.
getSearchability_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Searchability value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getSearchabilityColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Searchability Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getSearchabilityField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Searchability value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getSearchabilityIndex() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Searchability index value of this Persistent.
getSearchCriterionColumns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The table's columns designated for use as search criteria, in display order.
getSearchCriterionColumns() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The table's columns designated for use as search criteria, in display order.
getSearchCriterionColumnsCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getSearchCriterionColumnsCount() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getSearchCriterionFields() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
getSearchCriterionFields() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
getSeqcached() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Seqcached value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getSeqcached_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Seqcached value, without locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
getSeqcachedColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Seqcached Column for this TableInfo Table.
getSeqcachedField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the Seqcached value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
getSettingObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
Retrieve the Setting as a Setting.
getSettingObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
Retrieve the Setting as a Setting.
getSettingTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getSettingTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the SettingTable table.
getSettingTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the SettingTable table.
getSettingTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the SettingTable table which this Persistent is from.
getSize() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Size value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getSize() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory.Parameter
getSize() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SizedAtomPoemType
getSize() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Get maximum size of Cache.
getSize_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Size value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getSizeColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Size Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getSizeField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Size value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getSortDescending() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Defaults to false.
getSortdescending() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Sortdescending value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getSortdescending_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Sortdescending value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getSortdescendingColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Sortdescending Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getSortdescendingField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Sortdescending value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getSqlDefaultValue(SQLType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Used to set a not null value when creating a non nullable column.
getSqlDefaultValue(SQLType) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Used to set a not null value when creating a non nullable column.
getSqlDefaultValue(SQLType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Used to set a not null value when creating a non nullable column.
getSqlDefaultValue(SQLType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Used to set a not null value when creating a non nullable column.
getSqlDefaultValue(SQLType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Used to set a not null value when creating a non nullable column.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Retrieve a SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Retrieve a SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Interbase
Retrieve a SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
Retrieve a SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mimer
Retrieve a SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Retrieve a SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Retrieve an SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Retrieve a SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSqlDefinition(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Retrieve a SQL type keyword used by the DBMS for the given Melati type name.
getSQLType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getStarted() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SessionToken
getStringCooked() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Interbase
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mimer
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Postgresql
Accomodate String/Text distinction.
getStringSqlDefinition(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accomodate String / Text distinction.
getSummaryDisplayColumns() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The table's columns designated for display in a record summary, in display order.
getSummaryDisplayColumns() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The table's columns designated for display in a record summary, in display order.
getSummaryDisplayColumnsCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getSummaryDisplayColumnsCount() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getSummaryDisplayFields() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
All fields at the summary display level in display order.
getSummaryDisplayFields() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
All fields at the summary display level in display order.
getTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
getTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getTable(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Retrieve the table with a given name.
getTable() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
getTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The Table from which the object comes, complete with metadata.
getTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
The Table from which the object comes, complete with metadata.
getTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
getTableCategoryObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
Retrieve the TableCategory as a TableCategory.
getTableCategoryObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
Retrieve the TableCategory as a TableCategory.
getTableCategoryTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getTableCategoryTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the TableCategoryTable table.
getTableCategoryTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the TableCategoryTable table.
getTableCategoryTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Retrieves the TableCategoryTable table which this Persistent is from.
getTableinfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Tableinfo object referred to.
getTableInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
getTableInfo() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
getTableinfo_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Tableinfo value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getTableinfoColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Tableinfo Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getTableinfoField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Tableinfo value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getTableInfoObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieve the TableInfo as a TableInfo.
getTableInfoObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
Retrieve the TableInfo as a TableInfo.
getTableInfoTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getTableInfoTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the TableInfoTable table.
getTableInfoTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the TableInfoTable table.
getTableInfoTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Retrieves the TableInfoTable table which this Persistent is from.
getTableinfoTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getTask() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SessionToken
getThread() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SessionToken
getToken() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
getTotalSize() - Method in class org.melati.poem.FixedPointAtomPoemType
getTransaction() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SessionToken
getTransactionsCount() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getTransactionsCount() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionPool
getTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
The object's troid.
getTroid() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistable
The object's troid, returned after access check.
getType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getType() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ValueInfo
NOTE A type cannot be changed once initialised.
getTypefactory() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Typefactory value as an PoemTypeFactory for this Column of the ValueInfo Table.
getTypefactory_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Typefactory value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getTypefactoryCode() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Typefactory value as an Integer for this Column of the ValueInfo Table.
getTypefactoryColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Typefactory Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getTypefactoryField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Typefactory value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getUnique() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getUnique() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Unique value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getUnique_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Unique value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getUniqueColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Unique Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getUniqueField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Unique value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getUser() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the User object referred to.
getUser_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the User value, without locking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
getUserColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
Retrieves the User Column for this GroupMembership Table.
getUserCreateable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getUserCreateable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getUserCreateable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getUserCreateable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getUsercreateable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Usercreateable value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getUsercreateable_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Usercreateable value, without locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getUsercreateableColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Usercreateable Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
getUsercreateableField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Retrieves the Usercreateable value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
getUserEditable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getUserEditable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getUserEditable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getUserEditable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getUsereditable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Usereditable value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getUsereditable_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Usereditable value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getUsereditableColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Usereditable Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getUsereditableField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Usereditable value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
getUserField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the User value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
getUserObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
Retrieve the User as a User.
getUserObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
Retrieve the User as a User.
getUserTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
getUserTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
Retrieves the UserTable table.
getUserTable() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseTablesBase
Retrieves the UserTable table.
getUserTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Retrieves the UserTable table which this Persistent is from.
getUserTroid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
getValue() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Value value, with locking, for this Setting Persistent.
getValue_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Value value, without locking, for this Setting Persistent.
getValueColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
Retrieves the Value Column for this Setting Table.
getValueField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Retrieves the Value value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
getValueField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
Override the normal field attributes for the Value field, use the attribute values set in this setting.
getValueInfoObject(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieve the ValueInfo as a ValueInfo.
getValueInfoObject(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieve the ValueInfo as a ValueInfo.
getValueInfoTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the ValueInfoTable table which this Persistent is from.
getWasInsert() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
getWidth() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes
getWidth() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
getWidth() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
getWidth() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.FieldAttributes
getWidth() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Width value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getWidth_unsafe() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Width value, without locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
getWidthColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
Retrieves the Width Column for this ValueInfo Table.
getWidthField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Retrieves the Width value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
givesCapability(Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AccessForbiddenToken
Return false, thereby not giving Capability.
givesCapability(Capability) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.AccessToken
givesCapability(Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.RootAccessToken
The RootAccessToken gives any Capability.
givesCapability(Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.User
givesCapabilitySQL(User, Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Get the raw SQL statement for this database's DBMS for Capability check for a User.
givesCapabilitySQL(Integer, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
MySQL had no EXISTS keyword, from 4.1 onwards it does.
givesCapabilitySQL(Integer, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
SQL string to get a Capability.
givesCapabilitySQL(Integer, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
MySQL had no EXISTS keyword, from 4.1 onwards it does.
givesCapabilitySQL(Integer, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
MySQL had no EXISTS keyword, from 4.1 onwards it does.
group - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
group - The Group which has the capability
group - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Group - The group to which the user belongs
Group - Class in org.melati.poem
An authorisation grouping that a User can belong to.
Group() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Group
Constructor for a Persistent Group object.
Group(String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Group
Constructor for a Persistent Group object.
GroupBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Group Object.
GroupBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
GroupCapability - Class in org.melati.poem
A record of a Group's ability to perform an action.
GroupCapability() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.GroupCapability
Constructor for a Persistent GroupCapability object.
GroupCapability(Group, Capability) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.GroupCapability
Constructor for a Persistent GroupCapability object.
GroupCapabilityBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent GroupCapability Object.
GroupCapabilityBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
GroupCapabilityTable - Class in org.melati.poem
The Table of GroupCapabilitys.
GroupCapabilityTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.GroupCapabilityTable
GroupCapabilityTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table GroupCapability.
GroupCapabilityTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
GroupMembership - Class in org.melati.poem
A record of a User's belonging to a Group.
GroupMembership() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.GroupMembership
Constructor for a Persistent GroupMembership object.
GroupMembership(User, Group) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.GroupMembership
Constructor for a Persistent GroupMembership object.
GroupMembership(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.GroupMembership
Constructor for a Persistent GroupMembership object.
GroupMembershipBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent GroupMembership Object.
GroupMembershipBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
GroupMembershipTable - Class in org.melati.poem
The Table of GroupMemberships.
GroupMembershipTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.GroupMembershipTable
GroupMembershipTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table GroupMembership.
GroupMembershipTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
GroupTable - Class in org.melati.poem
The Table of Groups.
GroupTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.GroupTable
GroupTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table Group.
GroupTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
guestAccessToken() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
guestUser() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
guestUser - Variable in class org.melati.poem.UserTable
guestUser() - Method in class org.melati.poem.UserTable


hasCapability(User, Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Check if a user has the specified Capability.
hashCode() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
hashCode() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Ensure tables can be used as hashtable keys.
hashCode() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
Delegated to Locale.
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPossibleRawEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ResultSetEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.ConsEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.EmptyEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.FilteredEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.FlattenedEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.IntegerEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.LimitedEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.LongEnumeration
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.MappedEnumeration
headMap(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableSortedMap
height - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Input-box height - A sensible height for text boxes used for entering the field, where appropriate
HERE - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
Default Locale: GB.
hexDecoding(char) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Decode a hex char to a byte.
hexDecoding(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Decode a hex String into a byte Array.
hexEncoding(byte[]) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Hex encode an Array of bytes.
Hsqldb - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for HSQLDB (http://www.hsqldb.org/).
Hsqldb() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
HsqldbText - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
Use CSV tables as backing store.
HsqldbText() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.HsqldbText
hsqldbTextHack - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
HSQLDB does not have a pleasant TEXT datatype, so we use an arbetary value in a VARCHAR.


id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
id - The Table Row Object ID
id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
id - The Table Row Object ID
id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
id - The Table Row Object ID
id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
id - The Table Row Object ID
id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
id - The Table Row Object ID
id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
id - The Table Row Object ID
id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
id - The Table Row Object ID
id - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
id - The Table Row Object ID
inCommittedTransaction(AccessToken, PoemTask) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Perform a task with the database, but not in an insulated transaction.
increment(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionedSerial
Write lock and increment.
increment_unlocked() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionedSerial
incrementQueryCount(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Increment query count.
index - Variable in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
The numeric Id of the Level.
index - Variable in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
The Id of the Searchability.
index - Variable in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
Index of the Transaction.
indexed - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
indexed - Whether the field is indexed (ignored if the field is marked `unique')
IndexFactory - Interface in org.melati.poem.util
Manufactured objects are identified by a numeric index.
indexName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.IndexUniquenessPoemException
The column's index.
indexOf(Object[], Object) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayUtils
Lookup the first instance of an Object in an Array.
IndexPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
An object with an Integer index to its value, introduced to the class hierarchy to distinguish between an Integer as a value and an Integer as a key.
IndexPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.IndexPoemType
indexSize - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Size of indexes.
IndexUniquenessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is a mismatch over the uniqueness of an index in the Poem metadata and the jdbc metadata.
IndexUniquenessPoemException(Column, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.IndexUniquenessPoemException
info - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.UnexpectedExceptionPoemException
A description of the problem.
infoTables - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DefinitionSource
The metadata tables.
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
init(Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Initialiser
Initialise a freshly generated POEM object.
init() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Override this to perform pre-unification initialisation.
init() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Initialise the table.
initCause(Throwable) - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
No longer overrides standard method.
initial(Enumeration<T>, int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.EnumUtils
Create a Vector of the first n Elements of an Enumeration.
InitialisationPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a candidate Persistent fails its validation tests prior to being written to the database.
InitialisationPoemException(Table, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.InitialisationPoemException
initialisedDatabases() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory
Retrieve the databases which have completed initialisation.
Initialiser - Interface in org.melati.poem
A piece of code for initialising a newly created Persistent object in a POEM Table.
innermostException() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
insert - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
Whether this was an insert operation or not.
insertionSort(Order, Object[]) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.SortUtils
Sort an Array by a supplied ordering.
inSession(AccessToken, PoemTask) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Perform a task with the database.
inSession() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Whether we are currently in a session.
inSessionAsRoot(PoemTask) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
integer(Integer, String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.Field
A convenience method to create nullable Integer Field.
INTEGER - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Integer base-type factory.
IntegerEnumeration - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration of sequential Integers.
IntegerEnumeration(int, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.IntegerEnumeration
Constructor with lower, included, bound and upper, excluded, bound.
IntegerPoemType<T> - Class in org.melati.poem
Plain old integers, the range being contingent on the underlying SQL type.
IntegerPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
IntegerPoemType(int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
integrityfix - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Integrity fix - How referential integrity is maintained, what to do when the object referred to is deleted
IntegrityFix - Interface in org.melati.poem
Class representing what to do about references to a Persistent which is about to be deleted.
INTEGRITYFIX - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Poem IntegrityFix factory.
IntegrityFixPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A type for IntegrityFixs.
IntegrityFixPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
Interbase - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for Interbase.
Interbase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.Interbase
invalidate() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Mark as invalid.
invalidate() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
Mark as invalid.
invalidate(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.CachedIndexFactory
Invalidate an entry in the cache.
invalidate() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.CachedIndexFactory
Invalidate whole cache.
invalidateTransactionStuffs() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
When deleting a table and used in tests.
invalidateTransactionStuffs() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
When deleting a table and used in tests.
InvalidOperationOnFloatingPersistentPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a attempt is made to perform an operation on a Persistent which has yet to be written to the dbms or for some other reason has yet to gain a Troid.
InvalidOperationOnFloatingPersistentPoemException(Persistent) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.InvalidOperationOnFloatingPersistentPoemException
isAdministrator() - Method in class org.melati.poem.User
isDeletedColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
A Deleted Column is a Column which signal whether the record has been soft-deleted.
isDirty() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
isDirty() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
isEmpty() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
isFree(PoemTransaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
isGuest() - Method in class org.melati.poem.User
isIncluded(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.FilteredEnumeration
isQuoted(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Determine whether a String is quoted, with either quoting character.
isTroidColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
it - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DeletedPoemType
The instance.
it - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
The nullable instance.
it - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType
The instance.
it - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.util.EmptyEnumeration
The instance.
iterate(Procedure) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Apply function to all items in cache, only ignoring items where the value has been garbage collected.


JdbcPersistent - Class in org.melati.poem
The object representing a single table row; this is the PO in POEM!
JdbcPersistent() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
JdbcPersistent(JdbcTable, Integer) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
JdbcPersistent(String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
JdbcTable - Class in org.melati.poem
A Table.
JdbcTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
join(Enumeration<T>, Enumeration<T>) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.EnumUtils
Join two Enumerations into a single one.


keySet() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap


lastKey() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableSortedMap
NOTE first attempt using table.getMostRecentTroid() does not take account of deletion as mostRecentTroid is never decremented
lessOrEqual(Object, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.DictionaryOrder
Whether A is less than or equal to B.
lessOrEqual(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.util.Order
Whether A is less than or equal to B.
limit - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.OutsideRangePoemException
High limit.
LimitedEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration representing the first n elements of another Enumeration.
LimitedEnumeration(Enumeration<T>, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.LimitedEnumeration
load(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Parse the CSV data file and store the data for saving later.
load(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Called if not uptodate.
load(PoemTransaction, Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
load(PoemTransaction, Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
load(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
Load the transactioned object from its backing store.
load(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionedSerial
On load increment the Serial for this object.
loadDriver() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
locale() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
logCommits() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
login - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
login - The user's login name
logSQL() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
logStream - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.FirstSQL
Where to log to.
LONG - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Long base-type factory.
LongEnumeration - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration of Longs.
LongEnumeration(long, long) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.LongEnumeration
LongPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
Normal longs: INT8.
LongPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
LongPoemType(int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
low - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.OutsideRangePoemException
Low limit.


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFileParser
Test harness.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.DebugMckoiConnection
makePersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
A convenience method to create this Persistent.
makePersistent() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
A convenience method to create this Persistent.
mapped(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ResultSetEnumeration
mapped(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery.FirstRawTailoredResultSetEnumeration
mapped(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TailoredResultSetEnumeration
Return the current result set row packaged with column names in a FieldSet.
mapped(I) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.MappedEnumeration
MappedEnumeration<T,I> - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration that encapsulates another and translates each element according to an abstract mapping function.
MappedEnumeration(Enumeration<I>) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.MappedEnumeration
Wrapper Constructor given Enumeration to wrap.
markValid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
Mark as valid.
mask - Variable in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
Mckoi - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for Mckoidb (http://www.mckoi.com/).
Mckoi() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
mckoiBinaryHack - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
Size of binary fields.
mckoiTextHack - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mckoi
Size of text fields.
meantToBeUnique - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.IndexUniquenessPoemException
Whether this Column should be unique.
melatiName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Reverse the mapping in unreservedName.
melatiName(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Reverse the mapping in unreservedName.
melatiName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
Reverse the mapping in unreservedName.
melatiName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Ignore tables starting with '~', which should probably have a jdbc type of 'SYSTEM TABLE'.
melatiName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Reverse the mapping in unreservedName.
melatiName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Reverse the mapping in unreservedName.
melatiName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Ignore dtproperties as it is a 'System' table used to store Entity Relationship diagrams which have a jdbc type of TABLE when it should probably have a jdbc type of 'SYSTEM TABLE'.
Mimer - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for Mimer ( NOT WORKING YET!!!).
Mimer() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mimer
Constructor - set driver.
mimerTextHack - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Mimer
Size of text fields.
modeDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.DeletePersistentAccessPoemException
modeDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.ReadFieldAccessPoemException
modeDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.ReadPersistentAccessPoemException
modeDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.WriteFieldAccessPoemException
modeDescription() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.WritePersistentAccessPoemException
monthName(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
MSAccess - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for the Microsoft Access database server.
MSAccess() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
MSAccess.MSAccessStringPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
Translates a MSSQL String into a Poem StringPoemType.
MSAccess.MSAccessStringPoemType(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess.MSAccessStringPoemType
msAccessBinarySize - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Size of binary fields.
msAccessMemoSize - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Size of memo fields.
msAccessTextHack - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Size of text fields.
MySQL - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for MySQL.
MySQL() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Constructor - sets driver.
MySQL.BlobPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
Translates a MySQL Blob into a Poem IntegerPoemType.
MySQL.BlobPoemType(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.BlobPoemType
MySQL.MySQLBooleanPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
Translates a MySQL Boolean into a Poem BooleanType.
MySQL.MySQLBooleanPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.MySQLBooleanPoemType
MySQL.MySQLStringPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
Translates a MySQL String into a Poem StringPoemType.
MySQL.MySQLStringPoemType(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.MySQLStringPoemType
mysqlTextSize - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
Size of MySQL text fields.


name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DatabaseInitialisationPoemException
The name of the database.
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel.NameUnrecognisedException
The name we did not recognise.
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTableNamePoemException
Its name.
name - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
name - A human-readable name for the Capability
name - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
name - A code-name for the field
name - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
name - A human-readable name for the group
name - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
name - A code name for this setting
name - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
name - A human-readable name for the category
name - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
name - A code-name for the table
name - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Full name - The user's real name
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchColumnPoemException
Its name.
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchTablePoemException
Its name.
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.Searchability.NameUnrecognisedException
The name of the requested Searchability.
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.Setting.SettingTypeMismatchException
Name of the setting.
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.Setting.SettingValidationException
The name of the requested setting.
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.SettingTable.UnsetException
The name of the requested setting.
name - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix.NameUnrecognisedException
The name.
named(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
Get by name.
named(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
Throws NameUnrecognisedException if not found.
named(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
Find by name.
negMask - Variable in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
Negative mask.
never - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
Display level of Columns hidden from users.
newName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ColumnRenamePoemException
The attempted rename.
newName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TableRenamePoemException
The name we failed to assign.
newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
newPersistent() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
newType - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TypeDefinitionMismatchException
Type we are trying to assign.
newTypeSource - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TypeDefinitionMismatchException
Where the new type came from.
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPossibleRawEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ResultSetEnumeration
Return the next element.
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.ConsEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.EmptyEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.FilteredEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.FlattenedEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.IntegerEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.LimitedEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.LongEnumeration
nextElement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.MappedEnumeration
nextField() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFileParser
nextRecord() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFileParser
no - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
The column is not searchable so the user will not be given the opportunity to enter search criteria for it.
NoAccessTokenPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when it is discovered that a PoemThread is running without an AccessToken.
NoAccessTokenPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NoAccessTokenPoemException
NoMoreTransactionsException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when the system runs out of its pool of Transactions; which happens if Transactions die with an Error such as OutOfMemoryError.
NoMoreTransactionsException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NoMoreTransactionsException
NoMoreTransactionsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NoMoreTransactionsException
NonRootSetAccessTokenPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt is made to change the AccessToken under which a PoemThread is running by a PoemThread with an AccessToken other than RootAccessToken.
NonRootSetAccessTokenPoemException(AccessToken) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NonRootSetAccessTokenPoemException
NoPrimaryKeyInCSVTableException - Exception in org.melati.poem.csv
Thrown when no primary key is set.
NoPrimaryKeyInCSVTableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.csv.NoPrimaryKeyInCSVTableException
NORMAL - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.TableCategoryTable
The category for ordinary data tables.
NormalPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown deliberately by the programmer.
NormalPoemException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NormalPoemException
NormalPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NormalPoemException
NormalPoemException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NormalPoemException
Constructor with message and pre-java 1.4 initial cause.
NormalPoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NormalPoemException
Constructor with message.
normalTableCategoryName - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.TableCategoryTable
Category name for normal tables.
NoSuchColumnPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a reference to a non-existent Column is made.
NoSuchColumnPoemException(Table, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchColumnPoemException
NoSuchRowPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a reference to a non existent row is made.
NoSuchRowPoemException(Table, Integer) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchRowPoemException
NoSuchTablePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a reference to a non existent Table is made.
NoSuchTablePoemException(Database, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchTablePoemException
NotComparablePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt is made to set a Range for a non comparable PoemType.
NotComparablePoemException(Object, PoemType) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NotComparablePoemException
notifyColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Clears columnInfo caches, normally a no-op.
notifyColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Clears columnInfo caches, normally a no-op.
notifyTouched(PoemTransaction, Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Notify the table that one if its records is about to be changed in a transaction.
notifyTouched(PoemTransaction, Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Notify the table that one if its records is about to be changed in a transaction.
notifyTouched(PoemTransaction, Table, Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.TableListener
Notify a Table that one of its records is about to be modified.
notifyUncached(Table) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.TableListener
Notify a Table that it is being uncached.
NotInSessionPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when it is discovered that a Transaction has somehow been created outside a Session.
NotInSessionPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NotInSessionPoemException
NotInSessionPoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NotInSessionPoemException
Constructor with message.
NoTroidColumnException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown if you forget to define a Troid for a Table.
NoTroidColumnException(Table) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NoTroidColumnException
nth(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedSelection
nullable - Variable in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
nullable - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
nullable - Whether the field can be empty
nullableInstance - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
Instance of a nullable IntegerPoemType.
nullableInstance - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
Instance of a nullable LongPoemType.
nullableInstance - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
The nullable instance.
nulled(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Turn an empty String into a null.
NullTypeMismatchPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a null value is discovered in a non-nullable Field.
NullTypeMismatchPoemException(PoemType) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.NullTypeMismatchPoemException


object - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DeletionIntegrityPoemException
The Persistent that we are attempting to delete.
object - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.PersistentAccessPoemException
The Persistent that access is denied to.
object - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.transaction.CrossTransactionCommitException
The Transaction that has the problem.
objects() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedSelection
openSessions() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Retrieve the open sessions.
Oracle - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for Oracle (http://www.oracle.com/).
Oracle() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Oracle.OracleBooleanPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
Translates an Oracle Boolean into a Poem BooleanPoemType.
Oracle.OracleBooleanPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle.OracleBooleanPoemType
Oracle.OracleStringPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
Translates a Oracle String into a Poem StringPoemType.
Oracle.OracleStringPoemType(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle.OracleStringPoemType
oracleTextHack - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Oracle does not have a pleasant TEXT datatype, so we use an arbetary value in a VARCHAR.
Order - Interface in org.melati.poem.util
An Ordering.
org.melati.poem - package org.melati.poem
Persistent Object Engine for Melati.
org.melati.poem.csv - package org.melati.poem.csv
Importing CSV files into a Melati Database.
org.melati.poem.dbms - package org.melati.poem.dbms
Melati drivers for assorted JDBC compliant DBMS.
org.melati.poem.generated - package org.melati.poem.generated
The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.poem.
org.melati.poem.transaction - package org.melati.poem.transaction
The transaction API for POEM.
org.melati.poem.util - package org.melati.poem.util
Utilities used in POEM.
OutsideRangePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a value outside of a Field's range is discovered.
OutsideRangePoemException(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.OutsideRangePoemException


parser - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
parseRecord() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Reads the file until is has seen an object's-worth of field values (ie until it sees an EOF or a line starting with '$') which it returns in a hashtable (null if there are no field values).
ParsingPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is a problem with the format of the String representation of a non-String datatype instance.
ParsingPoemException(PoemType, String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ParsingPoemException
ParsingPoemException(PoemType, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ParsingPoemException
password - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
password - The user's password
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Password base-type factory.
PasswordPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A password.
PasswordPoemType(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PasswordPoemType
Persistable - Interface in org.melati.poem
An object which can be persisted, ie has a Troid.
persistent - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.Column.SettingException
The Persistent to which this Column belongs.
persistent - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DoubleCreatePoemException
The Persistent we have a problem with.
Persistent - Interface in org.melati.poem
The object representing a single table row; this is the PO in POEM!
PersistentAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised access of a Persistent is attempted.
PersistentAccessPoemException(Persistent, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PersistentAccessPoemException
PersistentFactory - Class in org.melati.poem
A factory for persisting pojos and recreating them.
PoemBugPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown if an internal assumption about Poem is violated.
PoemBugPoemException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PoemBugPoemException
PoemBugPoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PoemBugPoemException
PoemBugPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PoemBugPoemException
PoemDatabase - Class in org.melati.poem
Though generated by POEM this is the class all generated databases extend.
PoemDatabase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabase
PoemDatabaseBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated Database base class.
PoemDatabaseBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.PoemDatabaseBase
PoemDatabaseFactory - Class in org.melati.poem
PoemDatabaseFactory.PoemShutdownThread - Class in org.melati.poem
Shutdown databases cleanly when JVM exits.
PoemDatabaseFactory.PoemShutdownThread() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory.PoemShutdownThread
PoemDatabaseTables - Interface in org.melati.poem
Melati POEM generated, programmer modifyable interface stub giving all the available tables in the PoemDatabase.
PoemDatabaseTablesBase - Interface in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base interface to the tables in org.melati.poem.
PoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Base class for all Poem exceptions.
PoemException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
PoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
PoemException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
Constructor with message and initial cause.
PoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
Constructor with message.
PoemLocale - Class in org.melati.poem
A wrapper for a Locale for use within Melati.
PoemLocale(Locale) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
Constructor given a non-null Locale.
PoemLogEvent - Class in org.melati.poem
A record of any underlying DBMS action.
PoemLogEvent() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PoemLogEvent
PoemTable - Class in org.melati.poem
Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable inheritance hook.
PoemTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PoemTable
PoemTask - Interface in org.melati.poem
Something that can be run.
PoemThread - Class in org.melati.poem
A Poem Thread.
poemTransaction(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Find a transaction by its index.
PoemTransaction - Class in org.melati.poem
A set of dbms actions, which can be rolled back if necessary.
PoemTransaction(Database, Connection, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PoemTransaction
PoemType<T> - Interface in org.melati.poem
A data type.
PoemTypeFactory - Class in org.melati.poem
An object factory which produces PoemType objects given a Database and a code.
PoemTypeFactory(int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
PoemTypeFactory.Parameter - Interface in org.melati.poem
A Parameter object which knows whether a PoemType is nullable and its size.
populatedPersistent(Table, Object) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PersistentFactory
possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Get the possible values for this field, null for rangeable types with no range set.
possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
Get the possible values for this field, null for rangeable types with no range set.
possibleRaws() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Get the possible values for this field, null for rangeable types with no range set.
possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
Get the possible values for this field, null for rangeable types with no range set.
postEdit(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Optionally called after this instance is edited by a user.
postEdit(boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Optionally called after this instance is edited by a user.
postEdit(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
Slight overkill, force recreation of value field attributes even if it is the value that has been changed.
Postgresql - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for Postgresql.
Postgresql() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.Postgresql
postInitialise() - Method in class org.melati.poem.GroupCapabilityTable
postInitialise() - Method in class org.melati.poem.GroupMembershipTable
postInitialise() - Method in class org.melati.poem.GroupTable
postInitialise() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Do stuff immediately after table initialisation.
postInitialise() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTable
Apply default protection to this table if it has not already been protected.
postInitialise() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Do stuff immediately after table initialisation.
postInitialise() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableCategoryTable
Setup default access capabilities and ensure that the Normal category exists.
postInitialise() - Method in class org.melati.poem.UserTable
postInsert() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Called after this persistent is written to the database for the first time.
postInsert() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Called after this persistent is written to the database for the first time.
postModify() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Called after this persistent is updated and written to the database replacing the existing record it represents.
postModify() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Called after this persistent is updated and written to the database replacing the existing record it represents.
postWrite() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Called after this persistent is written to the database on being inserted or modified.
postWrite() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Called after this persistent is written to the database on being inserted or modified.
precision - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Precision - Precision (total number of digits) for fixed-point numbers
preEdit() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Optionally called before an instance is edited by the user.
preEdit() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Optionally called before an instance is edited by the user.
PreparedSQLSeriousPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an SQL PreparedStatement fails.
PreparedSQLSeriousPoemException(PreparedStatement, SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.PreparedSQLSeriousPoemException
preparedStatement(PoemTransaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
Get a new or cached PreparedStatement.
preparedStatement() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
PreparedStatementFactory - Class in org.melati.poem
Maintains a cache of PreparedStatements for an SQL statement string.
PreparedStatementFactory(Database, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
preparedStatementPlaceholder(PoemType<?>) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate casting in placeholders.
preparedStatementPlaceholder(PoemType<?>) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate casting in placeholders.
preparedStatementPlaceholder(PoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Postgresql
Accomodate casting in placeholders.
PreparedTailoredQuery - Class in org.melati.poem
A TailoredQuery which uses a PreparedStatement.
PreparedTailoredQuery(String, Column[], Table[], String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PreparedTailoredQuery
Full constructor.
PreparedTailoredQuery(Column[], Table[], String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.PreparedTailoredQuery
Constructor with null modifier.
prevent - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
Disallow the deletion.
primary - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
Display level of a Column used as the name of the whole record.
primary - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
The column is the only one in the table for which a special widget is provided to enter a search value.
primaryCriterionColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
In a similar manner to the primary display column, each table can have one primary criterion column.
primaryCriterionColumn() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
In a similar manner to the primary display column, each table can have one primary criterion column.
primaryKey - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
printStackTrace() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
problems - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.util.Cache.InconsistencyException
Procedure - Interface in org.melati.poem.util
A Procedure ie a void function.
process(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Writer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFilesProcessor
Load all the data from the files, empty the tables if necessary and then write the new data into the tables.
process(boolean, boolean, boolean, Writer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFilesProcessor
With write on the fly false.
put(Integer, Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Add an Object to the cache.
putAll(Map<? extends Integer, ? extends Persistent>) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap


qsort(Order, Object[]) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.SortUtils
Quick sort an array.
query - Variable in class org.melati.poem.TailoredResultSetEnumeration
quoted(String, char) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Surround a string in quotes.
quotedName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
quotedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Quote a name in the DBMS' specific dialect.
quotedName() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
quotedName() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
quotedRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Quoting a raw value, if appropriate, for the Dbms.
quotedRaw(Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.SQLType
Quoting a raw value, if appropriate, for the Dbms.


randomString(int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Generate a random String.
rangelimit_string - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Range: limit - The (exclusive) limit of the range of permissible values for the field
rangelow_string - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Range: low - The low end of the range of permissible values for the field
rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Return the Object value, a no-op for all but ReferencePoemTypes, for which it returns the troid as an Integer.
rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Return the Object value, a no-op for all but ReferencePoemTypes, for which it returns the troid as an Integer.
rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Converts a possibly null String to a low level representation of a valid database column value.
rawOfString(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Get an Object from its String representation.
reader - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
ReadFieldAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised read of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
ReadFieldAccessPoemException(Persistent, Column, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ReadFieldAccessPoemException
readLock(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
This is just to make this method available to Table.
readLock(SessionToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
readLock() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Check if we may read this object and then lock it.
readLock() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Lock this record.
readLock() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Lock this record.
readLock(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
ReadPasswordAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised read of a password Field of a protected Persistent is attempted.
ReadPasswordAccessPoemException(Persistent, Column, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ReadPasswordAccessPoemException
ReadPersistentAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised read of a Persistent is attempted.
ReadPersistentAccessPoemException(Persistent, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ReadPersistentAccessPoemException
reallyGet(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
Obtain a fresh PreparedStatement for a connection identified by an index.
reallyGet(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.CachedIndexFactory
ReconnectionPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a committed Connection still exists.
ReconnectionPoemException(Database) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ReconnectionPoemException
record - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
Display level of Columns included in display focusing on a single record, but without detail.
recordHasMoreFields() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFileParser
Are there any more tokens to come?
records - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
redefineTable(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
reference(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.Field
A convenience method to create a populated, nullable, Reference Field.
reference(Table, String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.Field
A convenience method to create new unpopulated, nullable Reference Field.
ReferencePoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A data type that is a reference to a Persistent object.
ReferencePoemType(Table, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
references - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DeletionIntegrityPoemException
References to our Persistent.
referencesTo(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Return an Enumeration of Persistents from the Table this column refers to, if this is a reference column, otherwise the Empty Enumeration.
referencesTo(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Find all references to specified object in all tables.
referencesTo(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
referencesTo(Persistent, Column, Enumeration<Persistent>, Map<Column, IntegrityFix>) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.IntegrityFix
Do something about references from a given column to a Persistent which is about to be deleted.
referencesTo(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
All the objects in the table which refer to a given object.
referencesTo(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
All the columns in the table which refer to the given table.
referencesTo(Persistent, Column, Enumeration, Map) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
Each StandardIntegrityFix differs from another by the way they implement StandardIntegrityFix.referencesTo(org.melati.poem.Persistent, org.melati.poem.Column, java.util.Enumeration, java.util.Map).
referencesTo(Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
All the objects in the table which refer to a given object.
referencesTo(Table) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
All the columns in the table which refer to the given table.
rememberAllTroids(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
rememberAllTroids(boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
remove(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
removed(Object[], Object) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayUtils
Remove an Object from an Array.
removeDatabase(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory
Enable a database to be reinitialised, without incurring the full overhead of restarting hsqldb, used in tests.
renderinfo - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Rendering information - The name of the Melati templet (if not the default) to use for input controls for the field
report(boolean, boolean, Writer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Return a string reporting on the data added to this table.
reqType - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.Setting.SettingTypeMismatchException
Required type.
reset() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
RestrictedReferencePoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A pointer to a subset of a Table.
RestrictedReferencePoemType(CachedSelection, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.RestrictedReferencePoemType
resultSet(SessionToken, PreparedStatement) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
resultSet(SessionToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
resultSet() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
ResultSetEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem
An Enumeration created by filtering a ResultSet according to an abstract function applied to each element of the ResultSet.
ResultSetEnumeration(ResultSet) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.ResultSetEnumeration
rollback(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
rollback() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Rollback the underlying DBMS.
rollback() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
Finish without commit.
rollback(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
RollbackFailedPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an SQL ROLLBACK fails.
RollbackFailedPoemException(SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.RollbackFailedPoemException
RollbackLogEvent - Class in org.melati.poem
A record of a cancelled transaction.
RollbackLogEvent(PoemTransaction) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.RollbackLogEvent
root - Static variable in interface org.melati.poem.AccessToken
The super user.
RootAccessToken - Class in org.melati.poem
An AccessToken (aka User) which can do anything.
RootAccessToken() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.RootAccessToken
RowDisappearedPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a reference to a Persistent is made after it has been deleted.
RowDisappearedPoemException(Table, Integer) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.RowDisappearedPoemException
RowDisappearedPoemException(NoSuchRowPoemException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.RowDisappearedPoemException
RowDisappearedPoemException(Persistent) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.RowDisappearedPoemException
rows - Variable in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
run() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemDatabaseFactory.PoemShutdownThread
run() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemTask
Run me.
runtime - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DefinitionSource
The current running application; transitory, as next time this data will be in the data dictionary.


sameRawAs(Field) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Compare raws.
saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Set the type of the ColumnInfo.
saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Set the type of the ColumnInfo.
scale - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Scale - Scale (number of digits after the decimal) for fixed-point numbers
schema - Variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
searchability - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
searchability - A category determining what level of searching this field supports
SEARCHABILITY - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Poem Searchability factory.
Searchability - Class in org.melati.poem
The quality of being searchable: yes, no or primary.
Searchability.NameUnrecognisedException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an invalid Searchability level is specified, by a typing mistake in the DSD for example.
Searchability.NameUnrecognisedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.Searchability.NameUnrecognisedException
SearchabilityPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A data type used within the POEM ColumnInfo metadata.
SearchabilityPoemType() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
Constructor, non-nullable.
section(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.ArrayUtils
Extract a subsection of an Array.
Selectable - Interface in org.melati.poem
An object on which selections can be performed.
selection() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedTailoredQuery
The results of the query.
selection() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
All the objects in the table.
selection(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A SELECTion of objects from the table meeting given criteria.
selection(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A SELECTion of objects from the table meeting given criteria, possibly including those flagged as deleted.
selection(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Return a selection of rows given an exemplar.
selection(Persistent, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
selection(Persistent, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
selection() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedTailoredQuery
The results of the query.
selection() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Selectable
All the Objects.
selection() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
All the objects in the table.
selection(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A SELECTion of objects from the table meeting given criteria.
selection(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A SELECTion of objects from the table meeting given criteria, possibly including those flagged as deleted.
selection(Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Return a selection of rows given an exemplar.
selection(Persistent, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
selection(Persistent, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
selection() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery
Run the query.
selection_firstRaw() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedTailoredQuery
selection_firstRaw() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedTailoredQuery
selection_firstRaw() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery
selectionSQL(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The from clause has been added as an argument because it is inextricably linked to the where clause, but the default is JdbcTable.quotedName().
selectionSQL(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The from clause has been added as an argument because it is inextricably linked to the when clause, but the default is Table.quotedName().
selectionWhereEq(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Get rows where column equal to value.
selectLimit(String, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate different limiting syntax.
selectLimit(String, int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate different limiting syntax.
selectLimit(String, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Accomodate different limiting syntax.
selectLimit(String, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accomodate different limiting syntax.
seqcached - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Record sequence cached - Whether the display sequence for the table's records is cached
serial(PoemTransaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
serial(PoemTransaction) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
SeriousPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is an Exception thrown in a situation where normal operation cannot sustain it.
SeriousPoemException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SeriousPoemException
This should probably be deprecated as from Java 1.4.
SeriousPoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SeriousPoemException
SeriousPoemException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SeriousPoemException
This should probably be deprecated as from Java 1.4.
SeriousPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SeriousPoemException
sessionToken() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
SessionToken - Class in org.melati.poem
A Session Token.
setAccessToken(AccessToken) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Change the access token under which your thread is operating.
setCachelimit(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Cachelimit value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setCachelimit(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Cachelimit value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setCacheLimit(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
setCacheLimit(Integer) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
setCachelimit(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableInfo
Set here and in table we represent.
setCachelimit_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Cachelimit value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setCanAdminister() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Set administrator capability to default.
setCanAdminister(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Set administrator capability to named Capability.
setCancreate(Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Set the Cancreate.
setCancreate_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Cancreate value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setCancreateTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setCapability(Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Set the Capability.
setCapability_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Sets the Capability value directly, without checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
setCapabilityTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setCategory(TableCategory) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Set the Category.
setCategory_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Category value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setCategoryTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setCooked(Persistent, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Sets the field value, with locking, access control and validation for this Column.
setCooked(Persistent, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
Sets the field value, with locking, access control and validation for this Column.
setCooked(String, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Set the `true value' of one of the record's fields.
setCooked(String, Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Set the `true value' of one of the record's fields.
setDefaultcandelete(Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Set the Defaultcandelete.
setDefaultcandelete_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Defaultcandelete value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDefaultcandeleteTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setDefaultcanread(Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Set the Defaultcanread.
setDefaultcanread_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Defaultcanread value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDefaultcanreadTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setDefaultcanwrite(Capability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Set the Defaultcanwrite.
setDefaultcanwrite_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Defaultcanwrite value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDefaultcanwriteTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Description value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Description value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setDescription_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Description value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDescription_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Description value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
setDirty(boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
setDisplayColumn(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
setDisplayColumn(Column) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
setDisplayLevel(DisplayLevel) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
setDisplaylevel(DisplayLevel) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displaylevel value, with checking, for the Persistent argument.
setDisplaylevel_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displaylevel value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setDisplaylevelIndex(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnInfo
Set the DisplaylevelIndex value.
setDisplaylevelIndex(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displaylevel index value, with checking, for this Persistent.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
setDisplayname(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Displayname value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDisplayname(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Displayname value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setDisplayname_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Displayname value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDisplayname_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Displayname value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorder(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorder(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorder(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorder(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorder_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displayorder value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorder_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Displayorder value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorderpriority(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displayorderpriority value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorderpriority(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displayorderpriority value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setDisplayorderpriority_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Displayorderpriority value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setDriverClassName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
setDriverLoaded(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
setGroup(Group) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Set the Group.
setGroup(Group) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Set the Group.
setGroup_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Sets the Group value directly, without checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
setGroup_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Sets the Group value directly, without checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
setGroupTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setGroupTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Height value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Height value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setHeight_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Height value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setId(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
setId(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Id value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this Capability Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this Group Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this Setting Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setId_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Id value directly, without checking, for this User Persistent.
setIndexed(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Indexed value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setIndexed(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Indexed value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setIndexed_unsafe(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Indexed value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setIntegrityFix(StandardIntegrityFix) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
setIntegrityfix(StandardIntegrityFix) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Integrityfix value, with checking, for the Persistent argument.
setIntegrityfix_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Integrityfix value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setIntegrityfixIndex(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Integrityfix index value, with checking, for this Persistent.
setLineNo(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVRecord
setLogCommits(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Toggle commit logging.
setLogin(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Login value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
setLogin_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Login value directly, without checking, for this User Persistent.
setLogSQL(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Toggle logging.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnInfo
Set the name if it is not set.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Name value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Sets the Name value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Name value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Name value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
setName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableInfo
Overridden to disallow table renaming.
setName_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityBase
Sets the Name value directly, without checking, for this Capability Persistent.
setName_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Name value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setName_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupBase
Sets the Name value directly, without checking, for this Group Persistent.
setName_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Sets the Name value directly, without checking, for this Setting Persistent.
setName_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
Sets the Name value directly, without checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
setName_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Name value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setName_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Name value directly, without checking, for this User Persistent.
setNullable(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Nullable value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Nullable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setNullable_unsafe(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Nullable value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Password value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.User
Sets the Password value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
setPassword_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
Sets the Password value directly, without checking, for this User Persistent.
setPrecision(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.FixedPointAtomPoemType
setPrecision(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Precision value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setPrecision(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Precision value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setPrecision_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Precision value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setQuery(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
Used in constructor of CachedSelection.
setRangelimit_string(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Rangelimit_string value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setRangelimit_string(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ValueInfo
Sets the Rangelimit_string value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setRangelimit_string_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Rangelimit_string value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setRangelow_string(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Rangelow_string value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setRangelow_string(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ValueInfo
Sets the Rangelow_string value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setRangelow_string_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Rangelow_string value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Set a column of a PreparedStatement to the passed in value.
setRaw(Persistent, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Sets the field value, with locking, for this Column.
setRaw(Persistent, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
Sets the field value, with locking, for this Column.
setRaw(String, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields.
setRaw(String, Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields.
setRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
Set from a raw value; checking that the value is of the correct type first.
setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.SQLType
Set a column of a PreparedStatement to the passed in value.
setRaw_unsafe(Persistent, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Sets the field value, without locking, for this Column.
setRaw_unsafe(Persistent, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ExtraColumn
Sets the field value, without locking, for this Column.
setRawRange(Comparable<T>, Comparable<T>) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Set the limits, if applicable.
setRawString(Persistent, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
Set the value from its String representation, if possible.
setRawString(String, String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields from a string representation.
setRawString(String, String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields from a string representation.
setRecordNo(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVRecord
setRenderinfo(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Renderinfo value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setRenderinfo_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Renderinfo value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setScale(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.FixedPointAtomPoemType
setScale(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Scale value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setScale(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Scale value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setScale_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Scale value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setSearchability(Searchability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
setSearchability(Searchability) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Searchability value, with checking, for the Persistent argument.
setSearchability_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Searchability value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setSearchabilityIndex(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Searchability index value, with checking, for this Persistent.
setSearchColumn(Column) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
setSearchColumn(Column) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
setSeqcached(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Seqcached value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setSeqcached(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Seqcached value, with checking, from a boolean, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setSeqcached(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableInfo
Set here and in table we represent.
setSeqcached_unsafe(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
Sets the Seqcached value directly, without checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
setSize(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Size value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Size value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Set maximum size of Cache.
setSize_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Size value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setSortdescending(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Sortdescending value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setSortdescending(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Sortdescending value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setSortdescending_unsafe(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Sortdescending value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setTable(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
setTableinfo(TableInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Set the Tableinfo.
setTableInfo(TableInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
setTableInfo(TableInfo) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
setTableinfo_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Tableinfo value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setTableinfoTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnInfo
Set the TableInfo reference.
setTableinfoTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
Setting - Class in org.melati.poem
A setting, analageous to a Property.
Setting() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Setting
Constructor for a Persistent Setting object.
Setting(Integer, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.Setting
Constructor with reasonable defaults for a String setting Use SettingTable.create to persist this.
Setting.SettingTypeMismatchException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a Setting's type does not match the type required.
Setting.SettingTypeMismatchException(String, PoemTypeFactory, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.Setting.SettingTypeMismatchException
Setting.SettingValidationException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a Setting value fails validation.
Setting.SettingValidationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.Setting.SettingValidationException
SettingBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Setting Object.
SettingBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
SettingTable - Class in org.melati.poem
A Table which is used like a properties file.
SettingTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.SettingTable
SettingTable.UnsetException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a Setting requested has not been set.
SettingTable.UnsetException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SettingTable.UnsetException
SettingTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table Setting.
SettingTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
setTransactionPool(TransactionPool) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
setTransactionsMax(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Set the maximum number of transactions.
setTransactionsMax(int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionPool
Set the maximum number of transactions in this pool.
setTypefactory(PoemTypeFactory) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the PoemTypeFactory Typefactory value for this ValueInfo Column of the ValueInfo Table.
setTypefactory_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Typefactory value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setTypefactoryCode(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Integer Typefactory value for this ValueInfo Column of the ValueInfo Table.
setUnique(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Unique value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Unique value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setUnique_unsafe(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Unique value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setUser(User) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Set the User.
setUser_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Sets the User value directly, without checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
setUsercreateable(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Usercreateable value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setUsercreateable(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Usercreateable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setUsercreateable_unsafe(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sets the Usercreateable value directly, without checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
setUsereditable(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Usereditable value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setUsereditable(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Usereditable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setUsereditable_unsafe(Boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Usereditable value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setUserTroid(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
Sets the Table Row Object ID.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Sets the Value value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Setting
Check that value is of correct type before setting.
setValue_unsafe(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
Sets the Value value directly, without checking, for this Setting Persistent.
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Width value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Width value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
setWidth_unsafe(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Sets the Width value directly, without checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
shortMonthName(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
shutdown(Connection) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
A no-op for all but hsqldb, where the db needs to be shutdown when the servlet container or jvm is destroyed.
shutdown(Connection) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
A no-op for all but hsqldb, where the db needs to be shutdown when the servlet container or jvm is destroyed.
shutdown(Connection) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
Shut the db down nicely.
shutdown(Connection) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
A no-op for all but hsqldb, where the db needs to be shutdown when the servlet container or jvm is destroyed.
SimplePrepareFailedPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is a problem creating a PreparedStatement.
SimplePrepareFailedPoemException(String, SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SimplePrepareFailedPoemException
SimpleRetrievalFailedPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is a problem loading a Table.
SimpleRetrievalFailedPoemException(SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SimpleRetrievalFailedPoemException
SimpleRetrievalFailedPoemException(SQLException, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SimpleRetrievalFailedPoemException
size - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
size - For character fields, the maximum number of characters that can be stored, (-1 for unlimited)
size() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
SizedAtomPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
An AtomPoemType with a size.
SizedAtomPoemType(int, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.SizedAtomPoemType
Constructor with size.
sizeGreaterEqual(int, int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.SizedAtomPoemType
Compare sizes, taking into account magic value -1.
skip() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ResultSetEnumeration
Skip an Element.
skip() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.ConsEnumeration
Skip an Element.
skip(Enumeration<T>, int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.EnumUtils
Skip a specified number of Elements in an Enumeration.
skip() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.FilteredEnumeration
Skip an Element.
skip() - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.LimitedEnumeration
Skip an Element.
skip() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.util.SkipEnumeration
Skip an Element.
SkipEnumeration<T> - Interface in org.melati.poem.util
An Enumeration with a {link #skip} method.
sortdescending - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Sort Descending - Whether when sorting by this column, the sort order should be reversed
sorted(Order, Object[]) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.SortUtils
Return a new sorted Array.
sorted(Order, Vector) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.SortUtils
Sort a Vector into a new Array.
sorted(Order, Enumeration) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.SortUtils
Sort an Enumeration into an Array.
SortUtils - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An assortment of useful sorting operations.
split(String, char) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
As Perl, create an Array from a String by using a character as the Array delimiter.
sql - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ExecutingSQLPoemException
The raw SQL we were trying to execute.
sql - Variable in class org.melati.poem.SQLLogEvent
The raw SQL.
sql - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.SQLSeriousPoemException
The SQL string that was being executed when the error occurred.
sql - Variable in class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery
sqlBooleanValueOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Accomodate different true and false values.
sqlBooleanValueOfRaw(Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Accomodate different true and false values.
sqlBooleanValueOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
Accomodate different true and false values.
sqlBooleanValueOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
Accomodate different true and false values.
sqlBooleanValueOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Accomodate different true and false values.
sqlDefaultValue(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
Used to set a not null value when creating a non nullable column.
sqlDefaultValue(Dbms) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.SQLType
Used to set a not null value when creating a non nullable column.
sqlDefinition(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/timestamp.html The MySQL default for nullability of timestamps is not null, so need to make all fields explicitly nullable.
sqlDefinition(Dbms) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.SQLType
SQL type definition with nullability.
SQLLogEvent - Class in org.melati.poem
A record of any executed SQL statement.
SQLLogEvent(String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.SQLLogEvent
sqlMetaData - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DefinitionSource
The JDBC metatdata.
SQLPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is an SQLException thrown by the dbms.
SQLPoemException(SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SQLPoemException
SQLPoemType - Interface in org.melati.poem
A datatype of a Field which is both a PoemType and an SQLType.
sqlQuery(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Run an arbitrary SQL query against the database.
SQLSeriousPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is an SQLException thrown by the dbms in a situation where it matters.
SQLSeriousPoemException(SQLException, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SQLSeriousPoemException
An SQL exception and the statement that provoked it.
SQLSeriousPoemException(SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.SQLSeriousPoemException
Constructor for use if you do not have the SQL string.
SQLServer - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
A Driver for the Microsoft SQL server.
SQLServer() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
SQLServer.SQLServerBooleanPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem.dbms
Translates an SQLServer Boolean into a Poem BooleanPoemType.
SQLServer.SQLServerBooleanPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer.SQLServerBooleanPoemType
sqlServerMaxBinarySize - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
Maximum size of a binary field.
sqlServerTextHack - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer
SQL Server does not have a pleasant TEXT datatype, so we use an arbetary value in a VARCHAR.
SQLType - Interface in org.melati.poem
A native SQL Field datatype.
sqlTypeCode() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
sqlTypeCode - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.UnsupportedTypePoemException
The SQL type code.
sqlTypeCode() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.SQLType
sqlTypeDefinition(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
SQL type definition without nullability.
sqlTypeDefinition(Dbms) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.SQLType
SQL type definition without nullability.
sqlTypeName - Variable in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
sqlTypeName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.UnsupportedTypePoemException
The SQL type name.
sqlUpdate(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Run an arbitrary SQL update against the database.
StandardIntegrityFix - Class in org.melati.poem
A class which defines the three standard integrity fixes of delete, clear and prevent.
StandardIntegrityFix.NameUnrecognisedException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an invalid StandardIntegrityFix is specified, by a typing mistake in the DSD for example.
StandardIntegrityFix.NameUnrecognisedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix.NameUnrecognisedException
statement - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.PreparedSQLSeriousPoemException
Our PreparedStatement.
statements - Variable in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
statements() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
statusExistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
statusExistent() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
statusNonexistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
statusNonexistent() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistent
string(String, String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.Field
A convenience method to create nullable String Field.
string - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ParsingPoemException
The String that we failed to force into type.
STRING - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
String base-type factory.
StringLengthValidationPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a StringPoemType Field's value is too long.
StringLengthValidationPoemException(PoemType, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.StringLengthValidationPoemException
stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
A localised String representation of the oject.
stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
A localised String representation of the oject.
stringOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
This doesn't do an explicit assertValidRaw.
stringOfRaw(Object) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
The String representation of the Field.
StringPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
Base of all character sequence types.
StringPoemType(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
StringUtils - Class in org.melati.poem.util
An assortment of useful operations on Strings.
StringUtils() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
StructuralModificationFailedPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an SQLException is thrown by a command to alter or create a table.
StructuralModificationFailedPoemException(String, SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.StructuralModificationFailedPoemException
StructuralModificationLogEvent - Class in org.melati.poem
A record of a structural change to the underlying DBMS.
StructuralModificationLogEvent(String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.StructuralModificationLogEvent
subException - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.PoemException
Pre-java 1.4 initial cause.
subMap(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableSortedMap
summary - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
Display level of Columns to be included in a summary of records in a set.
swap(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.SortUtils
Swap two elements of an Array.


table - Variable in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ColumnInUsePoemException
The Table the Column belongs to.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.CreationAccessPoemException
The Table we have a problem with.
table - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateColumnNamePoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTroidPoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.InitialisationPoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchColumnPoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchRowPoemException
The table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.NoTroidColumnException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.RowDisappearedPoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
Table - Interface in org.melati.poem
A table.
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TableInUsePoemException
The Table we are dealing with.
table - Variable in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
table - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TableMismatchPoemException
The Table it should have set.
TableCategory - Class in org.melati.poem
A grouping into which a Table can be assigned, eg Data or System.
TableCategory() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableCategory
Constructor for a Persistent TableCategory object.
TableCategory(String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableCategory
Constructor for a Persistent TableCategory object.
TableCategoryBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent TableCategory Object.
TableCategoryBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryBase
TableCategoryTable - Class in org.melati.poem
A Table which holds TableCategorys.
TableCategoryTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableCategoryTable
TableCategoryTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table TableCategory.
TableCategoryTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
TableFactory - Class in org.melati.poem
Given an Object or class create a set of Tables to represent the graph it is the starting node of, and populate it for an Object.
tableinfo - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
Owning table - The table to which the field belongs
TableInfo - Class in org.melati.poem
All the data defining a Table; actually a Persistent from the TableInfoTable.
TableInfo() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableInfo
Constructor for a Persistent TableInfo object.
TableInfo(JdbcTable) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableInfo
Constructor creates a TableInfo from a Table.
TableInfoBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent TableInfo Object.
TableInfoBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoBase
tableInfoID() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The troid (id) of the table's entry in the tableinfo table.
tableInfoID() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The troid (id) of the table's entry in the tableinfo table.
TableInfoTable - Class in org.melati.poem
A Table which holds information about all Tables in the Database.
TableInfoTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableInfoTable
TableInfoTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table TableInfo.
TableInfoTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
tableInitialisationSql(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
tableInitialisationSql(Table) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
tableInitialisationSql(Table) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.HsqldbText
TableInUsePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt is made to redefine a Table when it is being accessed by another PoemThread.
TableInUsePoemException(Database, Table) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.TableInUsePoemException
TableListener - Interface in org.melati.poem
An object which can be notified when a Table is accessed.
TableMap - Class in org.melati.poem
TableMap() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableMap
TableMap(Table) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableMap
Constructor given a Table.
TableMismatchPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown during validation of a ReferencePoemType if a Persistent is claimed to be of that type but has the wrong Table set.
TableMismatchPoemException(Persistent, Table) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.TableMismatchPoemException
tableName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.dbms.UnsupportedTypePoemException
The table name.
tableName - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TableRenamePoemException
The current name of the table.
TableRenamePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an attempt is made to set the name of a Table in its the TableInfo when it has already been set.
TableRenamePoemException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.TableRenamePoemException
TableRenamePoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.TableRenamePoemException
tables - Variable in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFilesProcessor
tables() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
All the tables in the database.
TableSortedMap - Class in org.melati.poem
TableSortedMap() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableSortedMap
Constructor for setter injection.
TableSortedMap(Table) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TableSortedMap
Constructor for constructor injection.
tailMap(Integer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableSortedMap
TailoredQuery - Class in org.melati.poem
This is how you run low-level SQL queries including joins, and get the results back in the form of convenient Melati Fields which can be rendered automatically in templates.
TailoredQuery(Column[], Table[], String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery
Construct a low-level SQL query, possibly including joins, from which results come back in form of automatically-renderable Melati Fields.
TailoredQuery(String, Column[], Table[], String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery
Same as without the first argument except that it is inserted between SELECT and the column list.
TailoredQuery.FirstRawTailoredResultSetEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem
Return an Enumeration of the columns in the first row of a ResultSet.
TailoredQuery.FirstRawTailoredResultSetEnumeration(TailoredQuery, ResultSet) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery.FirstRawTailoredResultSetEnumeration
Retrieve the first row of a TailoredQuery.
TailoredResultSetEnumeration<T> - Class in org.melati.poem
A ResultSetEnumeration relying on a TailoredQuery for column and access information.
TailoredResultSetEnumeration(TailoredQuery, ResultSet) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TailoredResultSetEnumeration
targetTable() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
threadsMax - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
The maximum number of Threads.
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Timestamp base-type factory.
timestampFormat(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
TimestampPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
A Timestamp.
TimestampPoemType(boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
TimestampPoemType(int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DeletedPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PasswordPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
The field type used in the Data Structure Definition language.
toDsdType() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType
Might be nicer as 'Troid'.
token - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException
The User's Token.
token - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.NonRootSetAccessTokenPoemException
The User's current AccessToken.
TooManyThreadsPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when the number of PoemThreads exceeds the limit.
TooManyThreadsPoemException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.TooManyThreadsPoemException
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedQuery
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Capability
Return the capability name.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Column
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CommitLogEvent
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Returns the connection url.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
A string to represent this DBMS.
toString() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
A string to represent this DBMS.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DefinitionSource
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DeletedPoemType
toString() - Method in exception org.melati.poem.DeletionIntegrityPoemException
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevel
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Dump to a string.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.FieldSet
Used to debug tests.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
A string briefly describing the object for diagnostic purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A concise string to stand in for the table.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PasswordPoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemLocale
Delegated to Locale.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PoemTransaction
The transaction index.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.PreparedStatementFactory
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.RollbackLogEvent
A description.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SQLLogEvent
A description.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.StandardIntegrityFix
Return the name and index.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.StructuralModificationLogEvent
A description.
toString() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A concise string to stand in for the table.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TailoredQuery
The SQL of the query.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
The transaction index.
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.UnindexableLogEvent
toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.User
A string briefly describing the object for diagnostic purposes.
toTidy() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Retrieve the ToTidyList for this session.
toTidy() - Method in class org.melati.poem.SessionToken
ToTidyList - Class in org.melati.poem.transaction
List of objects which need closing when a Transaction is terminated.
ToTidyList() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.transaction.ToTidyList
ToTidyList.Closeable - Interface in org.melati.poem.transaction
Can be closed.
toTypeParameter() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ValueInfo
tr(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
As Perl tr; swap any occurrences of any characters in the from string in the input string with the corresponding character from the to string.
tr(String, char, char) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Deprecated. now use string.replace(old,new)
transaction - Variable in class org.melati.poem.CommitLogEvent
The Transaction we are in.
transaction(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Get a Transaction by its index.
transaction() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Retrieve the PoemTransaction for this PoemThread.
transaction - Variable in class org.melati.poem.RollbackLogEvent
The Transaction we are in.
Transaction - Class in org.melati.poem.transaction
A Transaction.
Transaction(TransactionPool, int) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
transaction(int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionPool
Get a Transaction by its index.
Transactioned - Class in org.melati.poem.transaction
An object which can have uncommitted state within a Transaction.
Transactioned(TransactionPool) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
Transactioned() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
transactioned - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.transaction.WriteCommittedException
The committed Transaction.
TransactionedSerial - Class in org.melati.poem.transaction
A serial id of an object which is incremented each time that object is loaded or locked.
TransactionedSerial(TransactionPool) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionedSerial
TransactionIndexTooLargeException - Exception in org.melati.poem.transaction
Thrown when the number of Transactions exceeds the limit.
TransactionIndexTooLargeException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionIndexTooLargeException
transactionPool() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
TransactionPool - Interface in org.melati.poem.transaction
A pool of Transactions.
transactionsMax() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
The number of transactions available for concurrent use on the database.
transactionsMax() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionPool
Treeable - Interface in org.melati.poem
Methods an object must have to be treated as a Tree.
trim(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.util.Cache
Reduce number of units held in the cache, without changing its size.
trimCache(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Trim POEM's cache to a given size.
trimCache(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
trimCache(int) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
troid - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.DuplicateTroidPoemException
The Table Row ID we are dealing with.
troid() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
troid - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.NoSuchRowPoemException
troid() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Persistable
Get the troid without access checking.
TROID - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Troid column factory.
troid - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.RowDisappearedPoemException
troidColumn() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
The table's troid column.
troidColumn() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
The table's troid column.
troidFor(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
troidFor(Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
TroidPoemType - Class in org.melati.poem
Table row ids.
TroidPoemType() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType
Construct a non-nullable type.
troids() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedSelection
troidSelection(String, String, boolean, PoemTransaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
troidSelection(Persistent, String, boolean, boolean, PoemTransaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
troidSelection(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A SELECTion of troids of objects from the table meeting given criteria.
troidSelection(String, String, boolean, PoemTransaction) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
troidSelection(Persistent, String, boolean, boolean, PoemTransaction) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
troidSelection(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
A SELECTion of troids of objects from the table meeting given criteria.
type - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ParsingPoemException
The PoemType of Field value.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.PoemTypeFactory
Type column factory.
type - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.Setting.SettingTypeMismatchException
The factory used.
type - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TypeMismatchPoemException
The type of the destination.
type - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ValidationPoemException
Type we are trying to assign to.
TypeDefinitionMismatchException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown during Column unification if there is a contradiction between two of the possible DefinitionSources.
TypeDefinitionMismatchException(Column, PoemType, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.TypeDefinitionMismatchException
typefactory - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Type - The field's POEM type
TypeMismatchPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when the type of an object isn't the one expected.
TypeMismatchPoemException(Object, PoemType) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.TypeMismatchPoemException


uncache() - Method in class org.melati.poem.Database
Set the contents of the cache to empty.
uncache() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Invalidate table cache.
uncache() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Invalidate table cache.
uncapitalised(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Uncaptialise the first character of the input string.
UnexpectedExceptionPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when there is a problem in a situation where it is assumed, for the normal working of the system, that there will not be one.
UnexpectedExceptionPoemException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.UnexpectedExceptionPoemException
UnexpectedExceptionPoemException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.UnexpectedExceptionPoemException
UnexpectedNoSuchRowException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a NoSuchRowPoemException is thrown when it is not thought to be possible for it to, if all is working well.
UnexpectedNoSuchRowException(NoSuchRowPoemException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.UnexpectedNoSuchRowException
UnexpectedParsingPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a ParsingPoemException is thrown when it is not thought to be possible for it to, if all is working well.
UnexpectedParsingPoemException(ParsingPoemException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.UnexpectedParsingPoemException
UnexpectedValidationPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a ValidationPoemException is thrown when it is not thought to be possible for it to, if all is working well.
UnexpectedValidationPoemException(ValidationPoemException) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.UnexpectedValidationPoemException
UnificationPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an SQLException is thrown during unification of the Database with the other DefinitionSources.
UnificationPoemException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.UnificationPoemException
UnificationPoemException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.UnificationPoemException
unifyWithColumnInfo() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Match columnInfo with this Table's columns.
unifyWithColumnInfo() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Match columnInfo with this Table's columns.
unifyWithDB(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.CapabilityTable
Ensure that the _administer_ Capability exists and apply it to this table, also create canRead, canWrite, candelete and canSelect as they are referrred to in column definition.
unifyWithDB(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Unify the JDBC description of this table with the meta data held in the TableInfo
unifyWithDB(ResultSet) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Unify the JDBC description of this table with the meta data held in the TableInfo
unifyWithDB(ResultSet) - Method in class org.melati.poem.UserTable
Create guestUser and administratorUser.
UnindexableLogEvent - Class in org.melati.poem
A warning about an unindexable indexed Column.
UnindexableLogEvent(Column) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.UnindexableLogEvent
unique - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
unique - Whether the field is unique (implies that it's `indexed')
unloadDriver() - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
Used in tests to allow multiple dbmsen to be loaded and unloaded.
unloadDriver() - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Used in tests to allow multiple dbmsen to be loaded and unloaded.
unNulled(String) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.StringUtils
Turn a null into an empty String.
unreservedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.AnsiStandard
A pair of functions for getting around keywords which make your JDBC driver barf, as 'group' does for MySQL.
unreservedName(String) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.dbms.Dbms
Translate special names to non special ones.
unreservedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Hsqldb
A pair of functions for getting around keywords which make your JDBC driver barf, as 'group' does for MySQL.
unreservedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess
A pair of functions for getting around keywords which make your JDBC driver barf, as 'group' does for MySQL.
unreservedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL
A pair of functions for getting around keywords which make your JDBC driver barf, as 'group' does for MySQL.
unreservedName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle
A pair of functions for getting around keywords which make your JDBC driver barf, as 'group' does for MySQL.
unSee(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
UnsupportedTypePoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem.dbms
Thrown when a dbms contains a type not supported by Poem.
UnsupportedTypePoemException(String, String, short, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.dbms.UnsupportedTypePoemException
UnsupportedTypePoemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.dbms.UnsupportedTypePoemException
upToDate() - Method in class org.melati.poem.CachedTailoredQuery
upToDate(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Whether we are up to date with respect to current Transaction.
upToDate(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
Whether this instance is up-to-date.
upToDate(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionedSerial
Return the inheritted validity flag.
user - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipBase
User - The user who belongs to the group
User - Class in org.melati.poem
A registered user.
User() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.User
Constructor for a Persistent User object.
User(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.User
UserBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent User Object.
UserBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.UserBase
usercreateable - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoBase
User-createable - Whether it makes sense for the user to initialise the field's value
usereditable - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
User-editable - Whether it makes sense for the user to update the field's value
UserTable - Class in org.melati.poem
The Table of registered Users.
UserTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.UserTable
UserTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table User.
UserTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase


valid - Variable in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
ValidationPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when a Field's value does not meet its contract.
ValidationPoemException(PoemType, Object, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ValidationPoemException
ValidationPoemException(PoemType, Object) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.ValidationPoemException
value - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingBase
value - The value of this setting
value - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.OutsideRangePoemException
value - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TableMismatchPoemException
The Persistent.
value - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.TypeMismatchPoemException
The value we are trying to assign.
value - Variable in exception org.melati.poem.ValidationPoemException
Value that will not be coerced.
ValueInfo - Class in org.melati.poem
Abstract persistent generated from Poem.dsd and extended to cover Setting and ColumnInfo.
ValueInfo() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.ValueInfo
Constructor for a Persistent ValueInfo object.
ValueInfoBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent ValueInfo Object.
ValueInfoBase() - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
ValueInfoTable - Class in org.melati.poem
Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub for a ValueInfoTable object.
ValueInfoTable(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.ValueInfoTable
ValueInfoTableBase - Class in org.melati.poem.generated
Melati POEM generated base class for Table ValueInfo.
ValueInfoTableBase(Database, String, DefinitionSource) - Constructor for class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoTableBase
values() - Method in class org.melati.poem.TableMap
vanilla - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.util.DictionaryOrder
Standard ordering.
vectorOf(Enumeration<T>, int) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.EnumUtils
Create a Vector from an Enumeration.
vectorOf(Enumeration<T>) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.util.EnumUtils
Create a Vector from an Enumeration, supplying an initial size of 20.


whereClause(Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Return an SQL WHERE clause to select rows that match the non-null fields of the given object.
whereClause(Persistent, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
Return an SQL WHERE clause to select rows using the given object as a selection criteria and optionally deleted rows or those included rows the user is not capable of selecting.
whereClause(Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Return an SQL WHERE clause to select rows that match the non-null fields of the given object.
whereClause(Persistent, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
Return an SQL WHERE clause to select rows using the given object as a selection criteria and optionally deleted rows or those included rows the user is not capable of selecting.
width - Variable in class org.melati.poem.generated.ValueInfoBase
Input-box width - A sensible width for text boxes used for entering the field, where appropriate
withAccessToken(AccessToken, PoemTask) - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Run a PoemTask under a specified AccessToken, typically Root.
withDescription(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Clone with a new description.
withName(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Clone with a new name.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Get a new type with a nullablity, presumably different.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Clone with a different nullability.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.PoemType
Get a new type with a nullablity, presumably different.
withPrecisionAndScale(int, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.FixedPointAtomPoemType
withRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.Field
Clone this Field with a new value but same metadata.
withSize(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.MySQLStringPoemType
withSize(int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SizedAtomPoemType
WouldDeadlockException - Exception in org.melati.poem.transaction
Thrown if a Transaction would get into a deadly embrace with another.
WouldDeadlockException() - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.transaction.WouldDeadlockException
WriteCommittedException - Exception in org.melati.poem.transaction
Thrown when an attempt is made to write to an object within a committed Transaction.
WriteCommittedException(Transactioned) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.transaction.WriteCommittedException
writeData(Writer) - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVFilesProcessor
writeDown(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Write the persistent to the database if this might be necessary.
writeDown(PoemTransaction, Persistent) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
writeDown() - Static method in class org.melati.poem.PoemThread
Write to the underlying DBMS.
writeDown(PoemTransaction, Persistent) - Method in interface org.melati.poem.Table
writeDown() - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transaction
Make persistent ie no longer able to be rolled back.
writeDown(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
writeDown(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.TransactionedSerial
This implementation does nothing.
WriteFieldAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised write of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
WriteFieldAccessPoemException(Persistent, Column, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.WriteFieldAccessPoemException
writeLock(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Get a write lock on the given object if we do not already have one.
writeLock(SessionToken) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
writeLock() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcPersistent
Check if we may write to this object and then lock it.
writeLock(Transaction) - Method in class org.melati.poem.transaction.Transactioned
Get a write lock on the given object if we do not already have one.
WritePersistentAccessPoemException - Exception in org.melati.poem
Thrown when an unauthorised delete of a Persistent is attempted.
WritePersistentAccessPoemException(Persistent, AccessToken, Capability) - Constructor for exception org.melati.poem.WritePersistentAccessPoemException
writeRecords() - Method in class org.melati.poem.csv.CSVTable
Write the records to the database, called if we are not writing each record to db as we go.


yes - Static variable in class org.melati.poem.Searchability
The column is searchable so that the user is able to enter search criteria for it included along with others when searching for rows.


_assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
_assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
_assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
_assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
_assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
_assertValidCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
_assertValidRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
Whilst BigDecimal cannot represent all Doubles it can represent legacy money doubles, so we allow it to enable upgrades from Doubles to BigDecimals.
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MSAccess.MSAccessStringPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.BlobPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.MySQLStringPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle.OracleStringPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DeletedPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
Longs can represent Integers.
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_canRepresent(SQLPoemType) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType
_cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
Returns the given value unchanged.
_cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Converts a non-null low-level representation of a database column value to the appropriate object.
_cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
_cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
_cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
_cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
_cookedOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
_getColumn(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.MySQLBooleanPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle.OracleBooleanPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer.SQLServerBooleanPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
_getRaw(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.CapabilityTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.ColumnInfoTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupCapabilityTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupMembershipTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.GroupTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.SettingTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableCategoryTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.TableInfoTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.generated.UserTableBase
_newPersistent() - Method in class org.melati.poem.JdbcTable
A freshly minted, and uninitialised, Persistent object for the table.
_possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
_possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
_possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
_possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
_possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
_possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
Returns an Enumeration of the possible raw values.
_possibleRaws() - Method in class org.melati.poem.RestrictedReferencePoemType
_quotedRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
_quotedRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_quotedRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_quotedRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
_quotedRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
Returns the given value unchanged.
_rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
_rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
_rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
_rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
_rawOfCooked(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
Converts a non-null string to an appropriate value for insertion into the underlying DBMS.
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
HACK reformat DDMMYYYY dates to YYYY-MM-DD
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.MySQLBooleanPoemType
We could use original method from BooleanPoemType, it too recognizes 0/1.
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
_rawOfString(String) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DeletedPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.PasswordPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BooleanPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.MySQL.MySQLBooleanPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.Oracle.OracleBooleanPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.dbms.SQLServer.SQLServerBooleanPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DoublePoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
_setRaw(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_sqlDefinition(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
_sqlDefinition(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_sqlDefinition(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BigDecimalPoemType
_sqlDefinition(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_sqlDefinition(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.LongPoemType
_sqlDefinition(Dbms) - Method in class org.melati.poem.StringPoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ColumnTypePoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DatePoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.DisplayLevelPoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.IntegrityFixPoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.SearchabilityPoemType
_stringOfCooked(Object, PoemLocale, int) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_stringOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
_stringOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType
_stringOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.BinaryPoemType
_stringOfRaw(Object) - Method in class org.melati.poem.TimestampPoemType
_toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.AtomPoemType
_toString() - Method in class org.melati.poem.BasePoemType

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