Uses of Class

Packages that use Column
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 
org.melati.poem.dbms Melati drivers for assorted JDBC compliant DBMS. 
org.melati.poem.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.poem. 

Uses of Column in org.melati.poem

Subclasses of Column in org.melati.poem
 class ExtraColumn
          A Column which exists in the dbms but is not defined in the DSD.

Fields in org.melati.poem declared as Column
 Column FieldAccessPoemException.column
          The Column we are dealing with.
 Column UnindexableLogEvent.column
          The Column we are dealing with.
 Column Column.SettingException.column
          The Column setting which caused the problem.
 Column DuplicateColumnNamePoemException.column
          The Column we are dealing with.
 Column TypeDefinitionMismatchException.column
          Column in which problem occurred.
 Column DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException.column
          The Column we are dealing with.
 Column DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException.column
          The Column we are dealing with.
 Column IndexUniquenessPoemException.column
          The Column we are dealing with.
 Column ColumnInUsePoemException.column
          The Column being defined a second time.
 Column FieldContentsPoemException.column
          The Column we are dealing with.

Methods in org.melati.poem that return Column
protected  Column JdbcTable._getColumn(String nameP)
 Column JdbcTable.addColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo infoP)
          Add a Column to the database and the TableInfo table.
 Column Table.addColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo infoP)
          Add a Column to the database and the TableInfo table.
 Column JdbcTable.canDeleteColumn()
 Column Table.canDeleteColumn()
 Column JdbcTable.canReadColumn()
 Column Table.canReadColumn()
 Column JdbcTable.canSelectColumn()
 Column Table.canSelectColumn()
 Column JdbcTable.canWriteColumn()
 Column Table.canWriteColumn()
 Column JdbcTable.columnWithColumnInfoID(int columnInfoID)
 Column Table.columnWithColumnInfoID(int columnInfoID)
 Column JdbcTable.deletedColumn()
 Column Table.deletedColumn()
 Column JdbcTable.displayColumn()
          The table's primary display column, the Troid column if not set.
 Column Table.displayColumn()
          The table's primary display column, the Troid column if not set.
static Column ExtraColumn.from(Table table, ColumnInfo columnInfo, int extrasIndex, DefinitionSource source)
          Static factory.
protected  Column Column.LoadException.getColumn()
 Column JdbcTable.getColumn(String nameP)
          The table's column with a given name.
 Column Table.getColumn(String nameP)
          The table's column with a given name.
 Column JdbcTable.primaryCriterionColumn()
          In a similar manner to the primary display column, each table can have one primary criterion column.
 Column Table.primaryCriterionColumn()
          In a similar manner to the primary display column, each table can have one primary criterion column.
 Column JdbcTable.troidColumn()
          The table's troid column.
 Column Table.troidColumn()
          The table's troid column.

Methods in org.melati.poem that return types with arguments of type Column
 Enumeration<Column> Database.columns()
 Enumeration<Column> JdbcTable.columns()
          All the table's columns.
 Enumeration<Column> Table.columns()
          All the table's columns.
 Enumeration<Column> Table.displayColumns(DisplayLevel level)
          Return columns at a display level in display order.
 Enumeration<Column> Table.getDetailDisplayColumns()
          The table's columns for detailed display in display order.
 Enumeration<Column> Table.getRecordDisplayColumns()
          The table's columns designated for display in a record, in display order.
 Enumeration<Column> Table.getSearchCriterionColumns()
          The table's columns designated for use as search criteria, in display order.
 Enumeration<Column> Table.getSummaryDisplayColumns()
          The table's columns designated for display in a record summary, in display order.
 Enumeration<Column> Database.referencesTo(Table tableIn)
 Enumeration<Column> Table.referencesTo(Table table)
          All the columns in the table which refer to the given table.

Methods in org.melati.poem with parameters of type Column
 void JdbcTable.defineColumn(Column column)
          Don't call this in your application code.
 void Table.defineColumn(Column column)
          Don't call this in your application code.
 Enumeration<Persistent> IntegrityFix.referencesTo(Persistent referee, Column column, Enumeration<Persistent> refs, Map<Column,IntegrityFix> referenceFixOfColumn)
          Do something about references from a given column to a Persistent which is about to be deleted.
abstract  Enumeration StandardIntegrityFix.referencesTo(Persistent referee, Column column, Enumeration refs, Map referenceFixOfColumn)
          Each StandardIntegrityFix differs from another by the way they implement StandardIntegrityFix.referencesTo(org.melati.poem.Persistent, org.melati.poem.Column, java.util.Enumeration, java.util.Map).
 void JdbcTable.setDisplayColumn(Column column)
 void Table.setDisplayColumn(Column column)
 void JdbcTable.setSearchColumn(Column column)
 void Table.setSearchColumn(Column column)

Method parameters in org.melati.poem with type arguments of type Column
 void JdbcPersistent.delete(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
          Delete the object.
 void Persistent.delete(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
          Delete the object.
 void JdbcPersistent.deleteAndCommit(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
          Delete the object, with even more safety checks for referential integrity.
 void Persistent.deleteAndCommit(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
          Delete the object, with even more safety checks for referential integrity.
 Enumeration<Field> JdbcPersistent.fieldsOfColumns(Enumeration<Column> columns)
          Create Fields from Columns.
 Enumeration<Field> Persistent.fieldsOfColumns(Enumeration<Column> columns)
          Create Fields from Columns.
 Enumeration<Persistent> IntegrityFix.referencesTo(Persistent referee, Column column, Enumeration<Persistent> refs, Map<Column,IntegrityFix> referenceFixOfColumn)
          Do something about references from a given column to a Persistent which is about to be deleted.

Constructors in org.melati.poem with parameters of type Column
CachedTailoredQuery(Column[] selectedColumns, Table[] otherTables, String whereClause, String orderByClause)
          Constructor with modifier null.
CachedTailoredQuery(String modifier, Column[] selectedColumns, Table[] otherTables, String whereClause, String orderByClause)
          Full Constructor.
Column.LoadException(Column column, Exception problem)
Column.SettingException(Persistent persistent, Column column, Exception trouble)
ColumnInUsePoemException(Table table, Column column)
DuplicateColumnNamePoemException(Table table, Column column)
DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException(Table table, Column column)
DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException(Table table, Column column)
FieldAccessPoemException(Persistent object, Column column, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
FieldContentsPoemException(Column column, Exception problem)
IndexUniquenessPoemException(Column column, String indexName, boolean meantToBeUnique)
PreparedTailoredQuery(Column[] selectedColumns, Table[] otherTables, String whereClause, String orderByClause)
          Constructor with null modifier.
PreparedTailoredQuery(String modifier, Column[] selectedColumns, Table[] otherTables, String whereClause, String orderByClause)
          Full constructor.
ReadFieldAccessPoemException(Persistent object, Column column, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
ReadPasswordAccessPoemException(Persistent object, Column column, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
TailoredQuery(Column[] selectedColumns, Table[] otherTables, String whereClause, String orderByClause)
          Construct a low-level SQL query, possibly including joins, from which results come back in form of automatically-renderable Melati Fields.
TailoredQuery(String modifier, Column[] selectedColumns, Table[] otherTables, String whereClause, String orderByClause)
          Same as without the first argument except that it is inserted between SELECT and the column list.
TypeDefinitionMismatchException(Column column, PoemType newType, DefinitionSource newTypeSource)
UnindexableLogEvent(Column column)
WriteFieldAccessPoemException(Persistent object, Column column, AccessToken token, Capability capability)

Uses of Column in org.melati.poem.dbms

Methods in org.melati.poem.dbms with parameters of type Column
 String MySQL.alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String tableName, Column column)
          Return the SQL snippet to alter a column to not nullable.
 String AnsiStandard.alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String tableName, Column column)
          Return the SQL snippet to alter a column to not nullable.
 String MSAccess.alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String tableName, Column column)
          Accommodate SQLServer syntax.
 String Dbms.alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String tableName, Column column)
          Return the SQL snippet to alter a column to not nullable.
 String SQLServer.alterColumnNotNullableSQL(String tableName, Column column)
          Accommodate SQLServer syntax.
 String Oracle.booleanTrueExpression(Column booleanColumn)
          Accomodate lack of boolean types.
 String AnsiStandard.booleanTrueExpression(Column booleanColumn)
          Accomodate lack of boolean types.
 String Dbms.booleanTrueExpression(Column booleanColumn)
          Accomodate lack of boolean types.
 String SQLServer.booleanTrueExpression(Column booleanColumn)
          Accomodate lack of boolean types.
 boolean AnsiStandard.canBeIndexed(Column column)
          MSSQL cannot index a TEXT column.
 boolean Dbms.canBeIndexed(Column column)
          Whether a Column can have an SQL index applied to it.
 boolean SQLServer.canBeIndexed(Column column)
          MSSQL cannot index TEXT fields.
 String MySQL.getIndexLength(Column column)
          MySQL requires TEXT and BLOB field indices to have an explicit length, 30 should be fine.
 String AnsiStandard.getIndexLength(Column column)
          MySQL requires a length argument when creating an index on a BLOB or TEXT column.
 String Dbms.getIndexLength(Column column)
          Accomodate DBMS which require a length for BLOBS.

Constructors in org.melati.poem.dbms with parameters of type Column
DuplicateKeySQLPoemException(Column column, String sql, boolean insert, SQLException e)

Uses of Column in org.melati.poem.generated

Methods in org.melati.poem.generated that return Column
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getCachelimitColumn()
          Retrieves the Cachelimit Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getCancreateColumn()
          Retrieves the Cancreate Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column GroupCapabilityTableBase.getCapabilityColumn()
          Retrieves the Capability Column for this GroupCapability Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getCategoryColumn()
          Retrieves the Category Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getDefaultcandeleteColumn()
          Retrieves the Defaultcandelete Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getDefaultcanreadColumn()
          Retrieves the Defaultcanread Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getDefaultcanwriteColumn()
          Retrieves the Defaultcanwrite Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getDescriptionColumn()
          Retrieves the Description Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getDescriptionColumn()
          Retrieves the Description Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getDisplaylevelColumn()
          Retrieves the Displaylevel Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getDisplaynameColumn()
          Retrieves the Displayname Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getDisplaynameColumn()
          Retrieves the Displayname Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getDisplayorderColumn()
          Retrieves the Displayorder Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getDisplayorderColumn()
          Retrieves the Displayorder Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getDisplayorderpriorityColumn()
          Retrieves the Displayorderpriority Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column GroupCapabilityTableBase.getGroupColumn()
          Retrieves the Group Column for this GroupCapability Table.
 Column GroupMembershipTableBase.getGroupColumn()
          Retrieves the Group Column for this GroupMembership Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getHeightColumn()
          Retrieves the Height Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column GroupCapabilityTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this GroupCapability Table.
 Column GroupTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this Group Table.
 Column CapabilityTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this Capability Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column TableCategoryTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this TableCategory Table.
 Column SettingTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this Setting Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column UserTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this User Table.
 Column GroupMembershipTableBase.getIdColumn()
          Retrieves the Id Column for this GroupMembership Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getIndexedColumn()
          Retrieves the Indexed Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getIntegrityfixColumn()
          Retrieves the Integrityfix Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column UserTableBase.getLoginColumn()
          Retrieves the Login Column for this User Table.
 Column GroupTableBase.getNameColumn()
          Retrieves the Name Column for this Group Table.
 Column CapabilityTableBase.getNameColumn()
          Retrieves the Name Column for this Capability Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getNameColumn()
          Retrieves the Name Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column TableCategoryTableBase.getNameColumn()
          Retrieves the Name Column for this TableCategory Table.
 Column SettingTableBase.getNameColumn()
          Retrieves the Name Column for this Setting Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getNameColumn()
          Retrieves the Name Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column UserTableBase.getNameColumn()
          Retrieves the Name Column for this User Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getNullableColumn()
          Retrieves the Nullable Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column UserTableBase.getPasswordColumn()
          Retrieves the Password Column for this User Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getPrecisionColumn()
          Retrieves the Precision Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getRangelimit_stringColumn()
          Retrieves the Rangelimit_string Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getRangelow_stringColumn()
          Retrieves the Rangelow_string Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getRenderinfoColumn()
          Retrieves the Renderinfo Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getScaleColumn()
          Retrieves the Scale Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getSearchabilityColumn()
          Retrieves the Searchability Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column TableInfoTableBase.getSeqcachedColumn()
          Retrieves the Seqcached Column for this TableInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getSizeColumn()
          Retrieves the Size Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getSortdescendingColumn()
          Retrieves the Sortdescending Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getTableinfoColumn()
          Retrieves the Tableinfo Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getTypefactoryColumn()
          Retrieves the Typefactory Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getUniqueColumn()
          Retrieves the Unique Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column GroupMembershipTableBase.getUserColumn()
          Retrieves the User Column for this GroupMembership Table.
 Column ColumnInfoTableBase.getUsercreateableColumn()
          Retrieves the Usercreateable Column for this ColumnInfo Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getUsereditableColumn()
          Retrieves the Usereditable Column for this ValueInfo Table.
 Column SettingTableBase.getValueColumn()
          Retrieves the Value Column for this Setting Table.
 Column ValueInfoTableBase.getWidthColumn()
          Retrieves the Width Column for this ValueInfo Table.

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