Uses of Class

Packages that use Field
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 
org.melati.poem.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.poem. 

Uses of Field in org.melati.poem

Methods in org.melati.poem that return Field
 Field Column.asEmptyField()
          Return a Field of the same type as this Column with default attributes.
abstract  Field Column.asField(Persistent g)
          Return a Field of the same type as this Column from the Persistent.
 Field ExtraColumn.asField(Persistent g)
          Return a Field of the same type as this Column from the Persistent.
static Field Field.basic(Object value, String name, PoemType type)
          A convenience method to create a Field.
 Field JdbcTable.cachedSelectionField(String whereClause, String orderByClause, boolean nullable, Integer selectedTroid, String nameP)
          Make up a Field object whose possible values are a selected subset of the records in the table.
 Field Table.cachedSelectionField(String whereClause, String orderByClause, boolean nullable, Integer selectedTroid, String nameP)
          Make up a Field object whose possible values are a selected subset of the records in the table.
 Field FieldSet.get(String name)
          Return a specified field.
 Field JdbcPersistent.getField(String name)
          The value of one of the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering it.
 Field Persistent.getField(String name)
          The value of one of the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering it.
 Field JdbcPersistent.getPrimaryDisplayField()
 Field Persistent.getPrimaryDisplayField()
 Field ValueInfo.getRangelimit_stringField()
          Retrieves the Rangelimit_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfo.getRangelow_stringField()
          Retrieves the Rangelow_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field Setting.getValueField()
          Override the normal field attributes for the Value field, use the attribute values set in this setting.
static Field Field.integer(Integer value, String name)
          A convenience method to create nullable Integer Field.
static Field Field.reference(Persistent value, String name)
          A convenience method to create a populated, nullable, Reference Field.
static Field Field.reference(Table table, String name)
          A convenience method to create new unpopulated, nullable Reference Field.
static Field Field.string(String value, String name)
          A convenience method to create nullable String Field.
 Field Field.withDescription(String description)
          Clone with a new description.
 Field Field.withName(String name)
          Clone with a new name.
 Field Field.withNullable(boolean nullable)
          Clone with a different nullability.
 Field Field.withRaw(Object rawP)
          Clone this Field with a new value but same metadata.

Methods in org.melati.poem that return types with arguments of type Field
 Enumeration<Field> FieldSet.elements()
 Enumeration<Field> JdbcPersistent.fieldsOfColumns(Enumeration<Column> columns)
          Create Fields from Columns.
 Enumeration<Field> Persistent.fieldsOfColumns(Enumeration<Column> columns)
          Create Fields from Columns.
 Enumeration<Field> JdbcPersistent.getDetailDisplayFields()
          All fields at the detailed display level in display order.
 Enumeration<Field> Persistent.getDetailDisplayFields()
          All fields at the detailed display level in display order.
 Enumeration<Field> JdbcPersistent.getFields()
          The values of all the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
 Enumeration<Field> Persistent.getFields()
          The values of all the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
 Enumeration<Field> JdbcPersistent.getRecordDisplayFields()
          The values of all the object's fields designated for inclusion in full record displays, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
 Enumeration<Field> Persistent.getRecordDisplayFields()
          The values of all the object's fields designated for inclusion in full record displays, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
 Enumeration<Field> JdbcPersistent.getSearchCriterionFields()
 Enumeration<Field> Persistent.getSearchCriterionFields()
 Enumeration<Field> JdbcPersistent.getSummaryDisplayFields()
          All fields at the summary display level in display order.
 Enumeration<Field> Persistent.getSummaryDisplayFields()
          All fields at the summary display level in display order.

Methods in org.melati.poem with parameters of type Field
 boolean Field.sameRawAs(Field other)
          Compare raws.

Constructors in org.melati.poem with parameters of type Field
FieldSet(Hashtable<String,Integer> table_columnMap, Field[] fields)

Uses of Field in org.melati.poem.generated

Methods in org.melati.poem.generated that return Field
 Field TableInfoBase.getCachelimitField()
          Retrieves the Cachelimit value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getCancreateField()
          Retrieves the Cancreate value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupCapabilityBase.getCapabilityField()
          Retrieves the Capability value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getCategoryField()
          Retrieves the Category value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDefaultcandeleteField()
          Retrieves the Defaultcandelete value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDefaultcanreadField()
          Retrieves the Defaultcanread value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDefaultcanwriteField()
          Retrieves the Defaultcanwrite value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getDescriptionField()
          Retrieves the Description value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDescriptionField()
          Retrieves the Description value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getDisplaylevelField()
          Retrieves the Displaylevel value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getDisplaynameField()
          Retrieves the Displayname value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDisplaynameField()
          Retrieves the Displayname value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDisplayorderField()
          Retrieves the Displayorder value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getDisplayorderField()
          Retrieves the Displayorder value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getDisplayorderpriorityField()
          Retrieves the Displayorderpriority value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupMembershipBase.getGroupField()
          Retrieves the Group value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
 Field GroupCapabilityBase.getGroupField()
          Retrieves the Group value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getHeightField()
          Retrieves the Height value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field CapabilityBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Capability Persistent.
 Field UserBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this User Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Group Persistent.
 Field SettingBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupMembershipBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
 Field TableCategoryBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this TableCategory Persistent.
 Field GroupCapabilityBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getIndexedField()
          Retrieves the Indexed value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getIntegrityfixField()
          Retrieves the Integrityfix value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field UserBase.getLoginField()
          Retrieves the Login value as a Field from this User Persistent.
 Field CapabilityBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Capability Persistent.
 Field UserBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this User Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Group Persistent.
 Field SettingBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field TableCategoryBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this TableCategory Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getNullableField()
          Retrieves the Nullable value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field UserBase.getPasswordField()
          Retrieves the Password value as a Field from this User Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getPrecisionField()
          Retrieves the Precision value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getRangelimit_stringField()
          Retrieves the Rangelimit_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getRangelow_stringField()
          Retrieves the Rangelow_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getRenderinfoField()
          Retrieves the Renderinfo value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getScaleField()
          Retrieves the Scale value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getSearchabilityField()
          Retrieves the Searchability value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getSeqcachedField()
          Retrieves the Seqcached value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getSizeField()
          Retrieves the Size value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getSortdescendingField()
          Retrieves the Sortdescending value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getTableinfoField()
          Retrieves the Tableinfo value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getTypefactoryField()
          Retrieves the Typefactory value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getUniqueField()
          Retrieves the Unique value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getUsercreateableField()
          Retrieves the Usercreateable value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getUsereditableField()
          Retrieves the Usereditable value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupMembershipBase.getUserField()
          Retrieves the User value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
 Field SettingBase.getValueField()
          Retrieves the Value value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getWidthField()
          Retrieves the Width value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.

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