Uses of Class

Packages that use PoemException
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 
org.melati.poem.dbms Melati drivers for assorted JDBC compliant DBMS. 
org.melati.poem.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.poem. 
org.melati.poem.transaction The transaction API for POEM. 
org.melati.poem.util Utilities used in POEM. 

Uses of PoemException in org.melati.poem

Subclasses of PoemException in org.melati.poem
 class AccessibleCreationException
          Thrown when an unauthorised attempt to create an object is made.
 class AccessPoemException
          Thrown when an authorisation problem occurs, that is when a User does not have the required Capability or is not in a Group with the required Capability to access a restricted object.
 class AlreadyInSessionPoemException
          Thrown when an attempt to open a new User session from within one is made.
 class AppBugPoemException
          Thrown when the error is likely to be caused by an error in the application programmers code, such as mistypeing a class name or mis-configuring a property.
 class BinaryLengthValidationPoemException
          Thrown when an overlong value is asserted to be a valid raw BinaryPoemType Field.
static class Column.LoadException
          Thrown when any unforeseen problem arises loading a Column.
static class Column.SettingException
          Thrown when any unforseen problem arises setting the value of a Column.
 class ColumnInUsePoemException
          In the unexpected event that a Column is being defined twice.
 class ColumnRenamePoemException
          Column renaming is not supported by Postgresql.
 class CommitFailedPoemException
          Thrown when a commit fails.
 class ConnectionPendingException
 class CreationAccessPoemException
          Thrown when unauthorised creation of a new object is attempted.
 class Database.ConnectingException
          Thrown when a request is made whilst the connection to the underlying database is still in progress.
 class DatabaseInitialisationPoemException
 class DBConsistencyPoemException
          Those thrown when the database becomes inconsistent.
 class DeletePersistentAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised delete of a Persistent is attempted.
 class DeletionIntegrityPoemException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to delete a Persistent which is referred to by others and where the IntegrityFix is prevent.
static class DisplayLevel.NameUnrecognisedException
          Thrown when a DisplayLevel which doesn't exist is referenced, by misspelling for example.
 class DoubleCreatePoemException
          Thrown when an attempt to create a Persistent which already exists is made.
 class DuplicateColumnNamePoemException
          Thrown when an attempt to create a Column in a Table which already contains one of that name is made.
 class DuplicateDeletedColumnPoemException
          Thrown when an attempt to create a second Column of type DeletedPoemType in a Table is made.
 class DuplicateTableNamePoemException
          Thrown when an attempt to add a Table to a Database which already has one of that name.
 class DuplicateTroidColumnPoemException
          Thrown when an attempt to add a second Troid column is made.
 class DuplicateTroidPoemException
          Thrown when it is discovered that there is more than one record with a given Troid in the Database.
 class ExecutingSQLPoemException
          Thrown when there is a problem executing an SQL command.
 class ExecutingSQLSeriousPoemException
          Thrown when there is a problem exceuting an SQL command and it really matters.
 class FieldAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised access of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
 class FieldContentsPoemException
          Thrown when a Field fails its content validation.
 class IndexUniquenessPoemException
          Thrown when there is a mismatch over the uniqueness of an index in the Poem metadata and the jdbc metadata.
 class InitialisationPoemException
          Thrown when a candidate Persistent fails its validation tests prior to being written to the database.
 class InvalidOperationOnFloatingPersistentPoemException
          Thrown when a attempt is made to perform an operation on a Persistent which has yet to be written to the dbms or for some other reason has yet to gain a Troid.
 class NoAccessTokenPoemException
          Thrown when it is discovered that a PoemThread is running without an AccessToken.
 class NoMoreTransactionsException
          Thrown when the system runs out of its pool of Transactions; which happens if Transactions die with an Error such as OutOfMemoryError.
 class NonRootSetAccessTokenPoemException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to change the AccessToken under which a PoemThread is running by a PoemThread with an AccessToken other than RootAccessToken.
 class NormalPoemException
          Thrown deliberately by the programmer.
 class NoSuchColumnPoemException
          Thrown when a reference to a non-existent Column is made.
 class NoSuchRowPoemException
          Thrown when a reference to a non existent row is made.
 class NoSuchTablePoemException
          Thrown when a reference to a non existent Table is made.
 class NotComparablePoemException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to set a Range for a non comparable PoemType.
 class NotInSessionPoemException
          Thrown when it is discovered that a Transaction has somehow been created outside a Session.
 class NoTroidColumnException
          Thrown if you forget to define a Troid for a Table.
 class NullTypeMismatchPoemException
          Thrown when a null value is discovered in a non-nullable Field.
 class OutsideRangePoemException
          Thrown when a value outside of a Field's range is discovered.
 class ParsingPoemException
          Thrown when there is a problem with the format of the String representation of a non-String datatype instance.
 class PersistentAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised access of a Persistent is attempted.
 class PoemBugPoemException
          Thrown if an internal assumption about Poem is violated.
 class PreparedSQLSeriousPoemException
          Thrown when an SQL PreparedStatement fails.
 class ReadFieldAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised read of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
 class ReadPasswordAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised read of a password Field of a protected Persistent is attempted.
 class ReadPersistentAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised read of a Persistent is attempted.
 class ReconnectionPoemException
          Thrown when a committed Connection still exists.
 class RollbackFailedPoemException
          Thrown when an SQL ROLLBACK fails.
 class RowDisappearedPoemException
          Thrown when a reference to a Persistent is made after it has been deleted.
static class Searchability.NameUnrecognisedException
          Thrown when an invalid Searchability level is specified, by a typing mistake in the DSD for example.
 class SeriousPoemException
          Thrown when there is an Exception thrown in a situation where normal operation cannot sustain it.
static class Setting.SettingTypeMismatchException
          Thrown when a Setting's type does not match the type required.
static class Setting.SettingValidationException
          Thrown when a Setting value fails validation.
static class SettingTable.UnsetException
          Thrown when a Setting requested has not been set.
 class SimplePrepareFailedPoemException
          Thrown when there is a problem creating a PreparedStatement.
 class SimpleRetrievalFailedPoemException
          Thrown when there is a problem loading a Table.
 class SQLPoemException
          Thrown when there is an SQLException thrown by the dbms.
 class SQLSeriousPoemException
          Thrown when there is an SQLException thrown by the dbms in a situation where it matters.
static class StandardIntegrityFix.NameUnrecognisedException
          Thrown when an invalid StandardIntegrityFix is specified, by a typing mistake in the DSD for example.
 class StringLengthValidationPoemException
          Thrown when a StringPoemType Field's value is too long.
 class StructuralModificationFailedPoemException
          Thrown when an SQLException is thrown by a command to alter or create a table.
 class TableInUsePoemException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to redefine a Table when it is being accessed by another PoemThread.
 class TableMismatchPoemException
          Thrown during validation of a ReferencePoemType if a Persistent is claimed to be of that type but has the wrong Table set.
 class TableRenamePoemException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to set the name of a Table in its the TableInfo when it has already been set.
 class TooManyThreadsPoemException
          Thrown when the number of PoemThreads exceeds the limit.
 class TypeDefinitionMismatchException
          Thrown during Column unification if there is a contradiction between two of the possible DefinitionSources.
 class TypeMismatchPoemException
          Thrown when the type of an object isn't the one expected.
 class UnexpectedExceptionPoemException
          Thrown when there is a problem in a situation where it is assumed, for the normal working of the system, that there will not be one.
 class UnexpectedNoSuchRowException
          Thrown when a NoSuchRowPoemException is thrown when it is not thought to be possible for it to, if all is working well.
 class UnexpectedParsingPoemException
          Thrown when a ParsingPoemException is thrown when it is not thought to be possible for it to, if all is working well.
 class UnexpectedValidationPoemException
          Thrown when a ValidationPoemException is thrown when it is not thought to be possible for it to, if all is working well.
 class UnificationPoemException
          Thrown when an SQLException is thrown during unification of the Database with the other DefinitionSources.
 class ValidationPoemException
          Thrown when a Field's value does not meet its contract.
 class WriteFieldAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised write of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
 class WritePersistentAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised delete of a Persistent is attempted.

Methods in org.melati.poem that throw PoemException
protected abstract  Object BasePoemType._cookedOfRaw(Object raw)
          Converts a non-null low-level representation of a database column value to the appropriate object.
protected  Object AtomPoemType._cookedOfRaw(Object raw)
          Returns the given value unchanged.
protected abstract  Object BasePoemType._rawOfCooked(Object raw)
protected  String ReferencePoemType._stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
protected  String DisplayLevelPoemType._stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
protected  String IntegrityFixPoemType._stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
protected  String ColumnTypePoemType._stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
protected abstract  String BasePoemType._stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
protected  String SearchabilityPoemType._stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
 Column JdbcTable.addColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo infoP)
          Add a Column to the database and the TableInfo table.
 Column Table.addColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo infoP)
          Add a Column to the database and the TableInfo table.
 Table Database.addTableAndCommit(TableInfo info, String troidName)
          Add a Table to this Databse and commit the Transaction.
 void Database.connect(String nameIn, String dbmsclass, String url, String username, String password, int transactionsMaxP)
          Connect to an RDBMS database.
 Object BasePoemType.cookedOfRaw(Object raw)
          Converts a possibly null low-level representation of a database column value to its canonical form.
 Object PoemType.cookedOfRaw(Object raw)
          Create an Object from a raw Object, a no-op for all but ReferencePoemTypes.
 void JdbcTable.createTableInfo()
          Create the (possibly overridden) TableInfo if it has not yet been created.
 void JdbcTable.deleteColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
 void Table.deleteColumnAndCommit(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
 void Database.disconnect()
          Releases database connections.
abstract  Object Column.getCooked(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking and access control for this Column.
 Object ExtraColumn.getCooked(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking and access control for this Column.
 String BasePoemType.stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A localised String representation of the oject.
 String PoemType.stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A localised String representation of the oject.
 void JdbcTable.unifyWithColumnInfo()
          Match columnInfo with this Table's columns.
 void Table.unifyWithColumnInfo()
          Match columnInfo with this Table's columns.
 void UserTable.unifyWithDB(ResultSet colDescs)
          Create guestUser and administratorUser.
 void CapabilityTable.unifyWithDB(ResultSet colDescs)
          Ensure that the _administer_ Capability exists and apply it to this table, also create canRead, canWrite, candelete and canSelect as they are referrred to in column definition.
 void JdbcTable.unifyWithDB(ResultSet colDescs)
          Unify the JDBC description of this table with the meta data held in the TableInfo
 void Table.unifyWithDB(ResultSet colDescs)
          Unify the JDBC description of this table with the meta data held in the TableInfo

Constructors in org.melati.poem that throw PoemException
CapabilityTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ColumnInfoTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupCapabilityTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupMembershipTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
PoemTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
SettingTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableCategoryTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableInfoTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
UserTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ValueInfoTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)

Uses of PoemException in org.melati.poem.dbms

Subclasses of PoemException in org.melati.poem.dbms
 class ConnectionFailurePoemException
          Thrown if there is a problem connecting to the underlying database.
 class DuplicateKeySQLPoemException
          Thrown when an attempt to insert a value which is already present in a column with a unique index is made.
 class UnsupportedTypePoemException
          Thrown when a dbms contains a type not supported by Poem.

Uses of PoemException in org.melati.poem.generated

Methods in org.melati.poem.generated that throw PoemException
 void GroupCapabilityTableBase.init()
 void GroupTableBase.init()
 void CapabilityTableBase.init()
 void TableInfoTableBase.init()
 void ValueInfoTableBase.init()
 void TableCategoryTableBase.init()
 void SettingTableBase.init()
 void ColumnInfoTableBase.init()
 void UserTableBase.init()
 void GroupMembershipTableBase.init()

Constructors in org.melati.poem.generated that throw PoemException
CapabilityTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ColumnInfoTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupCapabilityTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupMembershipTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
SettingTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableCategoryTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableInfoTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
UserTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ValueInfoTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)

Uses of PoemException in org.melati.poem.transaction

Subclasses of PoemException in org.melati.poem.transaction
 class CrossTransactionCommitException
          Thrown should there be an attempt within one Transactioned Transaction to commit changes made in another.
 class TransactionIndexTooLargeException
          Thrown when the number of Transactions exceeds the limit.
 class WouldDeadlockException
          Thrown if a Transaction would get into a deadly embrace with another.
 class WriteCommittedException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to write to an object within a committed Transaction.

Uses of PoemException in org.melati.poem.util

Subclasses of PoemException in org.melati.poem.util
 class Cache.InconsistencyException
          Thrown if one or more problems are discovered with cache consistency.

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